a critical reading from the brazilian legal educational bases


  • Thays Furlan State University of Maringá
  • Fernando Luiz de Paula Santil Federal University of Uberlândia




Nature, Physical geography, Teaching of Geography, Brazilian legal educational bases


This article aims to analyze and discuss the concept of nature in the fundamental teaching of Geography. Therefore, the study was based on the legal bases of education, such as: National Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education – DCNs, National Curriculum Parameters – PCNs and the Common National Curriculum Base – BNCC. To carry out this analysis, the cited documents themselves were proposed as reference. The relevance of this discussion is justified insofar as a document which serves as the basis and/or assistance of teachers must be well structured and critically questioned through them. As a result, it was also verified a thought which treats nature in the teaching of Geography as a phenomenon and/or distant and external object of the human being, making it impossible to build more in-depth discourses on the subject. As a suggestion, it is suggested the importance of having more detailed discussions that aim to circumvent this problem in teaching.

Author Biographies

Thays Furlan, State University of Maringá

Doctoral student in Geography at the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the State University of Maringá - UEM (2018-2021). Develops research on the following topics: Teaching Peircean Geography and Semiotics. Master in Geography from the Graduate Program in Geography at the State University of Maringá - UEM (2018). Degree in Geography (undergraduate) from the State University of Maringá (2015). Held sandwich period at the University of Coimbra - UC, Coimbra - Portugal (2015).

Fernando Luiz de Paula Santil, Federal University of Uberlândia

Graduated in Cartographic Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology (Unesp - Presidente Prudente - 1991), Master in Cartographic Sciences from the Faculty of Science and Technology (Unesp - Presidente Prudente - 2001), Ph.D. in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (2008 ) and post-doctorate in Geography at the Federal University of Paraná (2013). He is currently adjunct professor in the Surveying and Cartographic Engineering Course at the Federal University of Uberlândia/ Monte Carmelo Campus (MG); member of the Research Groups Applied to Cartographic Visualization and Historical Cartography (GAVICH/UEM - 2009), Cartography and GIS (UFPR - 2010), Cognitive Visualization of the International Association of Cartography (CogVis - 2012) and Geoinformation, Territory and Cadastral (GISTec - UFU 2018).


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How to Cite

FURLAN, Thays; SANTIL, Fernando Luiz de Paula. DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO NATURE IN THE TEACHING OF GEOGRAPHY: a critical reading from the brazilian legal educational bases. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 21, p. 149–167, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n21p149-167. Disponível em: https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/geografia/article/view/9844. Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.