Anti-crisis management in Higher Education institutions of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic




COVID-19, Ensino online, Desafio, Gestão educacional, Ensino superior


Gestão Anticrise nas instituições de Ensino Superior da Ucrânia durante a Pandemia da COVID-19

O artigo fornece uma visão geral das estratégias de gestão anticrise do Ministério da Educação da Ucrânia e das autoridades educacionais das instituições de ensino superior ucranianas no contexto da pandemia COVID-19. O estudo compreende os resultados da pesquisa on-line realizada entre 1º de março de 2021 e 11 de abril de 2021 e abrangeu 380 respondentes (docentes das 12 principais instituições de ensino superior de diferentes regiões do país). Foi realizada a análise estatística e descritiva dos desafios enfrentados pelos professores ucranianos. A análise deixa clara que as atividades de gestão de anticrise (organizacional, sociopsicológica, técnica, etc.) durante os fechamentos causados pela Pandemia ainda não foram objetos de pesquisas suficientes e, portanto, permanecem um fenômeno inexplorado. A análise apresentada comprova a urgência do problema de desenvolvimento de atividades de gestão anticrise e visa facilitar a gestão educativa anticrise. Além disso, o estudo fornece uma base de informações relevantes para decisões e ações na política, administração e prática acadêmica.

Palavras-chave: COVID-19, ensino online, desafio, gestão educacional, ensino superior.


Anti-crisis management in Higher Education institutions of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic

ABSTRACT. The article provides an overview of the anti-crisis managerial strategies of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and educational authorities of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study comprises results of the on-line survey conducted between the 1st of March 2021 and 11th of April 2021 and covering 380 respondents (faculty members of 12 major higher education institutions in various regions of the country). The statistical and descriptive analysis of the challenges faced by Ukrainian teachers was carried out. The review makes clear that anti-crisis management activities (organizational, socio-psychological, technical, etc.) during corona-based closures have not yet been the object of sufficient surveys and therefore remain an unexplored phenomenon. The review presented proves the urgency of the problem of development of anti-crisis management activities and is intended to facilitate educational anti-crisis management. In addition, the study provides a relevant information basis for decisions and action in politics, administration and academic practice.

Keywords: COVID-19, online teaching, challenge, educational management, higher education.


Gestión anticrisis en las instituciones de Educación Superior de Ucrania durante la Pandemia del Covid-19

RESUMEN. El artículo ofrece una visión general de las estrategias de gestión anticrisis del Ministerio de Educación de Ucrania y de las autoridades educativas de los centros de enseñanza superior ucranianos en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. El estudio comprende los resultados de la encuesta en línea realizada entre el 1 de marzo de 2021 y el 11 de abril de 2021 y abarcó a 380 encuestados (miembros del profesorado de las 12 principales instituciones de enseñanza superior de diferentes regiones del país). Se realizó un análisis estadístico y descriptivo de los retos a los que se enfrentan los profesores ucranianos. El análisis pone de manifiesto que las actividades de gestión anticrisis (organizativas, sociopsicológicas, técnicas, etc.) durante los cierres provocados por la pandemia aún no han sido objeto de suficiente investigación y, por tanto, siguen siendo un fenómeno inexplorado. El análisis presentado demuestra la urgencia del problema de desarrollar actividades de gestión anticrisis y pretende facilitar la gestión educativa anticrisis. Además, el estudio proporciona una base de información relevante para las decisiones y acciones en la política, la administración y la práctica académicas.

Palabras clave: COVID-19, enseñanza en línea, desafío, gestión educativa, educación superior.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Yuliia Nenko, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Foreign Languages ​​Department. Ukrainian educator and philologist, the author of over 80 scientific works, including research papers, monographs, text-books, terminology dictionaries on rescue (Ukrainian-Russian-English and Ukrainian-Polish-English). Scientific interests: online/distance education, communication, professional communication training, language training.

Oksana Orendarchuk, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy, Ukraine

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department. Author of 32 articles, manuals. Scientific interests: teaching social and economic courses in English as a foreign language; problems of educational process in higher education; educational management; teacher’ professional self-realization; students’ motivation for learning English.

Larysa Rudenko , Lviv State University of Life Safety of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Senior Researcher, professor at Practical Psychology and Pedagogy Department. Author/co-author of more than 200 publications (articles in reviewed journals, proceedings of conferences, monographs, chapters in monographs, text books, etc.). Scientific interests: psychological and pedagogical, cultural, aesthetic aspects of professional training; psychological peculiarities of communicative culture.

Andrii Lytvyn , Lviv State University of Life Safety of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Professor at Practical Psychology and Pedagogy Department. Author/co-author of more than 300 publications (articles in reviewed journals, proceedings of conferences, monographs, chapters in monographs, text books, etc.). Scientific interests: continuity in vocational education, information technologies, modern higher education.


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Como Citar

Nenko, Y., Orendarchuk, O., Rudenko , L., & Lytvyn , A. . (2021). Anti-crisis management in Higher Education institutions of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Brasileira De Educação Do Campo, 6, e12838.



Artigo Especial / Special Article