Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for
technical training in the microregion of Cametá
Fagner Freires de Sousa
, Josiele Pantoja de Andrade
, Elaine Vasconcelos Bezerra Alves
, Charles Alberto de Souza Alves
1, 3, 4
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará - IFPA. Campus Cametá. Travessa Gentil Bittencourt, 1582,
Centro, Cametá - PA. Brasil.
Centro Integrado de Educação do Baixo Tocantins.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the challenges of
implementing pedagogical alternance in the process of training
students in the first classes of agricultural technician subsequent
course of the IFPA Campus Cametá. The work used data
obtained through documentary research about the proposal
alternance in that course and questionnaires with teachers and
students involved in the agricultural technician. It presents the
challenges, considering the particularities of faculty and
students, as well as the planning process and its various
dimensions, such as, the organization and training of teachers,
the formulation of the proposal alternance, the work dynamics
of disciplinary contents in the articulation between school time
and community time and the definition of evaluation criteria.
Finally, we highlight the challenging aspects that stood out most
throughout the development of the course of technicians in
agriculture and livestock and the possibilities of overcoming
proposed from the perspective of teachers and students.
Keywords: Pedagogical Alternance, Professional Training,
Rural Education, Agricultural Course.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
A implementação da alternância pedagógica no curso
técnico subsequente em Agropecuária: desafios para a
formação técnica na microrregião de Cametá
RESUMO. O artigo analisa os desafios da implementação da
alternância pedagógica no processo de formação de alunos das
primeiras turmas do curso subsequente de técnicos em
Agropecuária do IFPA Campus Cametá. O trabalho utilizou
dados obtidos por meio de pesquisa documental sobre a proposta
da alternância no referido curso e questionários com docentes e
discentes envolvidos do técnico em Agropecuária. Apresenta os
desafios, considerando as particularidades do corpo docente e
discente, bem como o processo de planejamento e suas diversas
dimensões, tais como, a organização e formação dos
professores, a formulação de proposta da alternância, a dinâmica
de trabalho dos conteúdos disciplinares na articulação entre
tempo-escola e tempo-comunidade e a definição de critérios de
avaliação. Por fim, destacamos os aspectos mais desafiadores ao
longo do desenvolvimento do curso de técnicos em agropecuária
e as possibilidades de sua superação a partir das perspectivas de
docentes e discentes.
Palavras-chave: Alternância Pedagógica, Formação
Profissional, Educação do Campo, Curso de Agropecuária.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
La implementación de la alternancia pedagógica en el
curso Técnico Subsecuente en Agropecuaria: desafíos a la
formación técnica en la microrregión de Cametá
RESUMEN. El artículo analiza los desafíos de la
implementación de la alternancia pedagógica en proceso de
formación de los alumnos de las primeras clases del curso
técnico subsecuente en Agropecuaria del IFPA- Campus
Cametá. El trabajo utilizo datos obtenidos por medio de una
búsqueda documental de la propuesta de la alternancia además
de cuestionarios con docentes y estudiantes pertenecientes de la
referida clase pesquisada. Presentamos los desafíos,
considerando las particularidades de los envueltos, bien como el
proceso de planeamiento y sus diversas amplitud, tales como: la
organización y formación de los profesores; la elaboración de la
propuesta de la alternancia pedagógica; la dinámica del trabajo
de los contenidos en el tocante en la articulación entre el
cambios de los Tiempo Escuela - Tiempo Comunidad; y la
definición de los procedimientos de evaluación. Por lo fin,
destacamos los aspectos desafiantes que se destacaron al largo
del desarrollo del curso técnico subsecuente en Agropecuaria y
las posibilidades de superación según la perspectiva de los
docentes y los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Alternancia Pedagógica, Formación
Profesional, Educación del Campo (campesina), Curso de
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The present article discusses the
process of implementing pedagogical
alternance at Instituto Federal de
Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará
IFPA, campus Cametá, based on the
experience of teachers and students from
the first classes (two) of the technical
course in agriculture subsequent to high
school, in the perspective of identifying the
challenges of the training process of
technicians through alternance.
The development of the research was
guided by the methodological contribution
of the research-action, in which the
researcher, for being part of the researched
environment, participates actively,
intervening in the process when he
observes the need of improvements of the
observed practice (Tripp, 2005). The
option for this methodology occurred
exactly for the active participation of the
researchers in the analyzed process as
members of the faculty who worked on the
training of the students of the technical
course in agriculture.
The contextualization of the
implementation of pedagogical alternance
in the agricultural technician course was
based on documentary analysis (Lüdke &
André, 1986). Thus, the Campus
Development Plan - PDC (IFPA, 2014),
the Pedagogical Course Project - PPC
(Sousa et al., 2016) were analyzed. The
minutes and reports of integrating meetings
realized by the course teachers and
instruments of time-community
orientation, which provided support to
historicize the process of implementing the
We also used the semi-structured
questionnaire application (Beaud & Weber,
2007), using Google Forms, with 12
teachers and 36 students. These
questionnaires were divided into sections,
which were designed: i) to profile teachers
and students; ii) to understand how
teachers have related the activities of time-
school and time-community and the
evaluation process and whether students
agree with the methodologies used and
their main limitations regarding the
execution of time-community.
The objective of the teachers' profile
was to diagnose their areas of education
and academic and professional experience
in relation to pedagogical alternance.
Likewise, the survey of the student's
profile aimed at identifying their origins
and relationship with the rural
environment, as well as the knowledge in
relation to pedagogical alternance.
The application of the questionnaire
also sought to understand which
methodological tools were used by
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
teachers to conduct the time-community,
as well as to understand whether the
activities developed were considered in the
evaluation process of their subjects. To the
students the questions, in this sense, were
aimed to understand their agreement with
the methodology adopted by teachers, as
well as to diagnose the difficulties faced by
them to execution of the activities of time-
The work is structured in four parts,
i.e., initially we present, in a succinct way,
the history of the creation of the IFPA
Campus in Cametá, state of Pará, and the
appearance of the technical course in
agriculture; in the sequence we describe
the profile with the characterization of the
teaching staff and students of the first
classes of the course; later we analyzed the
process of implementation of the
pedagogical alternation, including the
dimensions of planning, teaching and
student formation, subjects and evaluation
of activities; and in the final considerations
we made some reflections about the
challenges in the implementation of the
referred course in alternance.
History of the IFPA Campus Cametá
and the technical course in agriculture
through training in alternance
The Campus Cametá appears in 2014
in the third expansion of the IFPA, with the
objective of expanding the offer of
vacancies in professional and technological
education throughout the state of Pará.
From 2014 to 2015, the campus
management participated in meetings with
several institutions and civil society
representatives from the Cametá
Microregion, in order to define the
technological axes and priority courses to
be implemented in the Campus,
deliberating on Information and
Communication and Natural Resources. It
is worth noting that although the campus is
based in Cametá, its mission is to serve not
only the municipality that hosts it, but
more four others, namely: Baião, Limoeiro
do Ajurú, Mocajuba and Oeiras do Pará, all
located in the region of Baixo Tocantins
(Sousa et al., 2016).
The peculiar characteristics of the
region, consisting mainly of social actors
from the countryside and from the waters
with productive activities focused
predominantly on family agriculture,
especially to cultivation of cassava and
short cycle crops, in the production of
cocoa and black pepper and the extraction
of forest resources (especially açaí) and
fishing, enhance the supply of courses of
the Natural Resources axis, since Law 11.
892, of 29 December 2008, which
institutes the Federal Network, preconizes
that it is the mission of the Federal
Institutes to offer technical, humanistic and
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
social training, based on social demand and
regional peculiarities, as well as
strengthening local productive chains in
the region where the Campus is inserted
(Brazil, 2008).
In this perspective, the Initial and
Continued Training courses in Family
Farmer and Technical Assistant in
Agroecology were created at Campus
Cametá, initially in the year 2016. which
courses were realized in partnership with
the Casa Familiar Rural (CFR) of Cametá
and took place under pedagogical
alternance, serving young farmers and
children of farmers from Cametá, Oeiras
do Pará and Limoeiro do Ajuru.
In this sense, based on public
hearings and meetings held in the region
with representatives of the municipalities,
the Campus Cametá has adopted the
natural resources axis as a priority in
offering technical and technological
courses. Thus, in 2017 the technical course
in agriculture was created in the
subsequent modality, using pedagogical
alternance as a methodological
The option for pedagogical
alternation, in these and other courses of
Natural Resources axis of the Campus
Cametá, presents itself as a political
movement, in the search to meet the
demand of social movements in the
countryside, understanding that the reality
of the region of the referred campus is
constituted by a population mostly rural
and lacking opportunities of formation that
dialogue with its real demands (Bento &
Sousa, 2017). It is important to emphasize
that the institution of pedagogical
alternance in professional training courses,
especially in the area of agricultural
sciences, presents itself as a way to
contrast the old agricultural education,
moving towards the construction of a
professional education in the field
(Marinho, 2016).
The teaching and learning
experiences based on pedagogical
alternation are tributaries of historical
clashes of social movements in the
countryside, critical to the model of
schooling that disregards the existential
conditions of the peasant. The experiences
of pedagogy of alternance, born in France
in 1935 and consolidated in Brazil in the
1960s, through the creation of Escolas
Familiares Agrícolas (EFA's) in the State
of Espírito Santo by the Movement of
Promotional Education of Espírito Santo
(Brazil, 2006). Subsequently, in the 1980s,
the Casas Familiares Rurais (CFR's) were
born in Alagoas, at that time without any
relation to EFA's (Silva, 2010).
These first experiences defended the
pedagogy of alternance, which consists of
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
a methodology of school teaching
organization that combines different
formative experiences distributed over
different times and spaces, with the
purpose a professional training (Teixeira et
al, 2008), which consider four pillars, that
are maintained in all regions, namely: end
pillars - the integral and personalized
formation (life project) and the
development of the environment (social,
economic, human, political,
environmental) and the means pillars - the
alternation (an appropriate methodology)
and the local Association (families,
professional institutions.) (Gowacki et al.,
However, other experiences have
been developed using the generic term
pedagogical alternance, due to the
adaptation of the principles of the
pedagogy of alternation to the diverse
contexts imposed by structural conditions
or other conditions inherent to the
institutions where they are developed
and/or regional conditions. Thus, the term
pedagogical alternance is adopted in this
article, since the conditions of execution at
IFPA Campus Cametá do not allow, at
least in this first moment, the execution of
the determining pillars of the Pedagogy of
The adoption of pedagogical
alternance had as main objective the
adequate formation to the peasants, based
on a process that starts from the family,
professional and daily social experience, to
go towards the theory, the wisdoms of the
academic programs, which then returns to
the experiences and so on (Gimonet,
2007), in a movement that seeks the
integration between school-family, theory-
practice, work-education (Melo & Silva,
In that way, the methodology of
pedagogical alternance establishes an
expressive relationship between the three
educational agencies - family, community
and school. It proposes a teaching system
in which the student alternates periods of
learning in the family, in their own
environment, with periods at school, these
times being interconnected by means of
specific pedagogical instruments, by
association in a harmonious way, between
family and community. It is a pedagogical
action that aims to integral formation with
the professionalization (Brazil, 2006).
In this direction, the professional
formation that intended to be achieved
from the subsequent technical course in
Agriculture at Campus Cametá, seeks to
break with the reductionist approach of
conventional professional education,
assuming a systemic and multidisciplinary
perspective that provides an opportunity
the dialogue of knowledge, provided by the
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
various educational spaces adopted -
school, community, agricultural
establishment, family - and by the
integration of subjects during the formative
process. It is believed, thus, to provide a
more humanistic technical training process
capable of reflecting on the limits and
potentialities of agroecosystems and
intervening based on methodologies that
ensure active participation by farmers,
overcoming thus, the conventional
practices in rural areas action (Caporal,
Profile of teachers and students of the
first classes of the Technical Course in
Agriculture in pedagogical alternance
The analysis of the challenges to the
implementation of pedagogical alternance,
in the process of training agricultural
technicians, leads us to the need to know
who are the subjects involved in this
process, that is, the students who entered
the course and the teachers who worked in
subjects of the course.
Profile of teachers envolved in
implementation of the Technical course
in Agriculture
The teachers who worked on
implementation of the technical course in
agriculture and were recently civil servant
and many had no previous experience with
professional and technological teaching
and, much less, in model of alternance,
which present one of the central problems
of this process.
Twelve teachers participated in the
survey, which includes 75% of the teachers
directly involved in the execution of the
technical course in agriculture. It is
important to highlight the profile of these
teachers, to understand the context of
challenges in the implementation of the
course in alternance teaching at Campus
Cametá. Below (Graph 1) we present the
systematization of the teacher profile based
on the questionnaires applied.
Graph 1 - Percentage of teachers of subsequent Technical course in Agriculture of Campus Cametá, by initial training.
Source: Authors, 2017.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Therefore, it is observed that the
predominant area of teacher training was
agronomy, followed by fishing
engineering/oceanography and pedagogy
(field education). It is noteworthy that the
teachers of education in the field are
responsible for the subject of time-
community, being the ones in charge of
mobilizing the teaching staff of the course
to carry out the planning and construction
of instrumental, which is the script of
development of activities, which will be
used by students in the time-community.
By the way, the position of teacher of
Basic, Technical and Technological
Education - EBTT in the field of education
was created by Campus Cametá,
exclusively to meet this particularity
assumed by it in natural resources courses.
Thus, it ocurred for the first time in the
history of the IFPA, the offer of a position
for teacher of Education in the Field,
which is considered an important step in
the institutionalization of education in the
field within the institute and in the
recognition of these professionals.
With regard to the time spent in
training teachers at undergraduate level, it
was found that more than 80% have less
than eight years of initial training in
bachelor's or master's degrees, although all
have at least the title of master. The
performance in education, in turn, was
something new for more than 50% of
teachers, who had less than one year and
the maximum four of teaching experience.
Below we present the time spent by
teachers in graph 2.
Graph 2 - Percentage with the time action of the teachers of the course.
Source: Authors, 2017
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The main difficulty for the execution
of alternation is the lack of knowledge and
experience on the part of the teaching staff
about pedagogical alternation, once it is
75% of the teachers were unaware and
only one teacher who answered the
questionnaire had practical experience in
alternance teaching, as we can see in graph
3 below.
Graph 3 - Percentage of teacher on work of alternance training.
Source: Authors, 2017
Besides this, only field education
teachers knew the principles of alternation,
however, only theoretically, once their
previous professional experiences were as
pedagogical technicians in institutions that
did not adopt the alternance and/or did not
involve them in the process.
Although she did not answer the
questionnaire, it is also important to
highlight the contribution of the
Philosophy teacher, who is trained in field
education (human sciences), and therefore
has practical experience in pedagogical
alternance, and who contributed greatly in
the initial steps of the first classes of the
course, dissociating herself from the
process later as a result of appointment on
another IFPA campus.
Profile of students of the first classes of
the Technical course in Agriculture
The students of the first classes of
the subsequent technical course in
agricultural under pedagogical alternance
are mostly young people up to 25 years
old, but there is also a significant
participation of the public over this age
group (45%). In relation to gender, women
are the majority, that is, 56%, reflecting the
change that has occurred in the public
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
entering agrarian courses until recently,
with a majority presence of men.
Another important information is the
relationship of students with the rural area
obtained through data on the origin. The
graph below systematizes the relationship
of students with the field, regarding to the
place of residence.
Graph 4 - Percentage of students according to place of residence.
Source: Authors, 2017
For this we understand that the
relationship of students with the rural
environment does not occur simply
because of their place of residence, we
asked about their relationship linked to the
dimensions of education and work and
obtained as answers that 85% of students
admit to be involved with the rural
environment, while only 15% answered
did not to have a direct relationship with
the field, either because they do not live,
study or work in rural areas.
It is important to highlight that the
first classes of the technical course in
agriculture were formed soon after the
approval of the course´s operation, through
a two-stage selection process. The first
consisted in considering the grades of
Portuguese and Mathematics of the 3rd
year of high school or equivalent. The
second stage occurred through an interview
with the candidates about their life history
and perspectives in relation to the course,
because it is important in the selection
process to know the link of the candidates
with the reality of the field in the region of
Baixo Tocantins.
Although the profile of the class was
a little different from that idealized in the
construction of the PPC of the Course that
intended to reach mainly young and adults
people who lived and worked in the rural
area, 28% of the students rural
communities came from other teaching
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
experiences in alternance, mainly through
the Casa Familiar Rural de Cametá, these
being those who already knew the
alternance. The others, although they did
not know it, started the course and soon
after the first community time they
approved the methodology and, when the
questionnaire was applied (during the
socialization of the 2nd community time),
100% of the class considered alternance
teaching fundamental.
The first steps of the pedagogical
alternation in the Technical course in
Agriculture at IFPA campus Cametá:
planning and training
The first steps for the
implementation of pedagogical alternance
in the technical course in agriculture were
marked by a series of challenges, which
began at the time of construction of the
pedagogical project of the course with a
teaching staff that mostly did not know the
alternance. In the meantime, the
participation of the teacher S.T.N.S.,
degree in field education (human sciences)
and linked to the social movements of the
field in southeastern Pará, was
fundamental for the initial conduction of
the process, with a series of planning
meetings to make possible the integration
of the curricular components and adoption
of pedagogical practices that would enable
a formative process for students.
From these initial planning meetings,
there was a need for continuous training
for the teachers of the course to understand
the education of the field and the pedagogy
of alternance, since this pedagogical
proposal is not restricted to the technical
course in agriculture, but to all the courses
of the natural resources axis of IFPA
Thus, training were conducted with
the mediation of teachers S.T.N.S. and
A.M.S.B., who discussed the principles of
alternance with the teaching staff, but in
addition, configured moments of reflection
and debate, which contributed to the
implementation of the alternation in the
course and on campus.
Afterwards, the workshop "Pedagogy
of alternation as an articulating element of
the theoretical and practical relationship"
was realized for two days, which discussed
topics such as integration, planning and
evaluation in pedagogical alternance, based
on the experience of PRONERA Saberes
da Terra, developed by the Castanhal
campus in training of young farmers in the
technical course in agriculture.
The integration and planning
meetings are practiced in the course
conduction, since the integration of the
subjects during the time-community is
desired. However, the training workshops
were no longer carried out, due to the
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
maturation of the teaching staff and the
learning provided by the practice.
However, in a planning meeting
realized at the beginning of 2018, as a
result of the entry of new teachers
approved in a public contest, there was a
need for continuous training to guarantee
the permanence of formative activities in
In this sense, the teachers of
education of the field, at a later moment,
during a presentation of the definition of
alternation to the social body of the
campus in the III Pedagogical Week, in
2018, proposed the offer of a biannual
formation aimed at solving difficulties
identified by each teacher throughout the
However, it should be noted that the
continuous formation was not limited to
these moments, also guaranteed the
constant dialogue between all the teachers
of the campus, in order to encourage the
exchange of ideas and experiences, with a
view to solving any problem immediately
after its identification.
From planning to practice: student
training (and especially teacher)
The first classes of the subsequent
technical course in agriculture at campus
Cametá, when they put into practice the
pedagogical alternation, began a process of
student formation, but, above all, teacher,
being for this reason, an interesting
exercise of self-criticism and reorientation
of the process along the formative path
(Bento & Sousa, 2017).
The alternance in the first time-
community after the organization of the
research in the first time-school has as its
scope the study of the communities, it is an
important contextualization for the
development of the next axes, dedicated to
research in agricultural and/or
agroextractivist establishments in the
region, culminating in an intervention
project to be proposed based on the
problems identified from the dialogue with
farmers during the times-communities.
In this way, the formative journey
that will be analyzed, as already
mentioned, involves the following stages:
1) planning of the formative journey,
times-school and times-communities; 2)
life history workshop; 3) development of
the subjects from the first to the third axis;
4) orientation and accompaniment of the
times-communities I, II and III; 5)
socialization of the times-communities I, II
and III; and 6) process of evaluation by the
The planning of the initial stage of
the agricultural course allowed to
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
educators a familiarization with a method
little or even unknown by majority, as
already noted. As a general basis for this
moment of teacher training, the notebooks
of the collection Saberes da Terra (Brazil,
2017) served as a basis for rehearsing the
first steps of teachers, especially the life
history workshop.
This exercise, initially, was
fundamental to determine the chronology
of offer of the subjects during the semester,
in order to favor the execution of the time-
community, contemplating its objective. In
this sense, some changes were made,
including the distribution of subjects along
the axes, because it was found that
anticipated in formative journey, being
necessary to move it to the next time-
community, although always maintaining it
within the semester determined by the
This practice, however, had to be
rethought from the 3rd semester of the
course, due to the entrance of new forms,
because it was not possible to maintain the
initial structure of subjects offer in a
condensed way by axes, due to generate
conflict of time in the capacity of teachers
in the other forms, since some subjects,
with higher workload, had up to 12 hours
lesson per week in each class. Thus, the
integrated time-community orientation was
Planning meetings are also used to
build the instruments that will be proposed
to students in each time-community. On
these occasions, the teachers discuss the
guiding issues that will need to be
approach by students in field research and
that should be included in the report to be
prepared by them. The systematization is
carried out by the teachers of Field
Education, who are responsible for the
subject of time-community and, therefore,
organize all information in a document that
is delivered to the students at the time of
orientation before the students go to the
field. This document is named in the
course of script or guide of the time-
community and has the participation of the
students in discussion of all proposed
activities which led to adjustments of
issues to be researched, the withdrawal of
some proposals and the inclusion of others.
Life history workshop
The life history workshop
was held
as a welcoming activity for the students
and took place during the first three school
days of the course. It presented the
objective to integrate them and promote
the socialization of different experiences in
each region. The programming involved
group dynamics that encouraged the
participation of students, in order to value
their experiences in the educational
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
process. The following activities were
developed: mask workshop, video
documentary debate, social cartography
and socialization of the socio-productive
and cultural context of students from
The activities had as objective, in
addition to enabling the presentation and
integration of the students, to trace the
socio-cultural profile of the students who
entered the course, for which it was
fundamental the elaboration of map of the
region of origin of the students, which
provided the recognition of the territory
attended by the course and the
socialization of information related to the
most significant sociocultural aspects of
the regions in which the students intended
to develop the time-community throughout
the course.
It is important to point out that these
activities included important subsidies for
the planning of subjects, the time-school
and time-community. The questionnaire
written and socialized through collective
presentations served as a guide for the
deepening of important issues for the
development of pedagogical alternation.
The work emphasized the issues that most
sensitized the students in the exposition,
such as the history of formation of the
communities they intended to research.
Development of subjects
The subjects developed in the first
time-school of the formative axis I, as
instrumental Portuguese and computer
science, assisted in the process of writing
and systematizing the reports of time-
community and, theoretical and
introductory subjects, such as history of the
Amazonian peasantry, agriculture and
agroecology, systemic focus and study of
the agricultural establishment offered
elements for approaching the reality
experienced by students and still little
understood by teachers.
The students' reports on the
transformation of work relations in the
field and local cultural manifestations, for
example, were problematized in the history
of peasantry, contextualizing local
transformations to the process of
territorialization and historical rooting of
the peasant way of life in the Amazon. The
other subjects mentioned followed the
same logic, seeking even more consistent
data during time-community I.
It is important to emphasize that the
proposal of pedagogical alternance in the
development of the formative path is to
promote non-technical formation, making
it necessary the articulation between the
technical subjects with the research in the
rural establishments, guiding the scientific
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
and humanistic development inspired by
the guiding principles of agroecology.
As ponctuated by Bento & Sousa
(2017), to contrast the training that occurs
in an instrumental manner and based
exclusively on the empirical application of
technical knowledge, it is defend in the
technical course in agriculture of IFPA
Cametá, the education according to the
principle of omnilaterality, which
according to Lima et al. (2016), that is:
Conceiving the formative act as a
potentiator of the integration between
the various dimensions of life, of
which work, the science, the
technology, the culture, the politics
and economics constitute inseparable
fields for the understanding of human
practices in their entirety (Lima et al.,
2016, p. 59).
In this sense, time-Community I, as
mentioned, sought to diagnose rural
communities in the region of campus
coverage, taking place in different
communities in the municipalities of
Cametá, Baião, Mocajuba and Oeiras do
Pará. At this first moment, general
questions were raised about the socio-
environmental, cultural and productive
aspects of the regions, providing support
for the evaluation of the subjects taught in
axis I, and also for the development of the
subjects of axis II, which as in the previous
time-school, sought to contextualize the
theoretical contents with the local reality.
The same principle was followed in
the other axes which is to know the
production establishments, raising
problems to be explored for the proposition
of an intervention plan to improve the lot
an action that will be made by constant
dialogue between the students, the teachers
and the family farmers in the region.
It is emphasized that the pedagogical
alternance is not conceived only in
alternating periods at "school and in the
family", as pointed out Jesus (2011),
therefore it requires the articulation of
knowledge between the different training
spaces, it is necessary that the teaching
staff be prepared to contextualize and
problematize the contents taught in the
classroom with the local reality.
This articulation, according to
Queiroz (2004) is the great challenge of
schools that work in alternance regime,
because it is not only about articulating
two different spaces, but putting in
coherent dialogue two distinct knowledges
in a training project, which the author
designates as "pedagogy of shared
knowledge". In this process, the active
participation of students, teachers and
family (farmers) is necessary for the
success of the training.
In the case under analysis, the
teachers have understood this premise and
seek during the development of the
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
subjects to articulate the technical
knowledge to knowledge accumulated by
students and instruct them to identify in
communities during the time-community,
aspects related to issues addressed in
classroom, allowing the contextualization
and dialogue of knowledge after their
return to the time-school.
It stands out that, although many
teachers recognize the necessity for
maturity in understanding the alternance in
order to achieve better integration of
regional issues with the content of the
disciplines, the implementation of
pedagogical alternation has allowed
important dialogue with local communities
and it will provide opportunities for the
training of technicians committed to local
family agriculture.
Orientation and monitoring of Time-
The time-community orientations are
carried out at the end of the time-school of
each training axis, on a date defined by the
teachers of Field Education who gather the
class to present and discuss the instruments
to be used in the time-community and the
methodologies that can be used. This is a
moment of collective discussion, when
teachers and students discuss the issues
that will be used during the research to be
conducted in the time-community, as well
as are presented and oriented the use of
methodological tools for data collection
and analysis.
The orientation of time-community I,
for example, consisted in the presentation
of a detailed instrument of essential issues
for the construction of diagnoses of the
communities of the regions surveyed,
aiming to characterize the historical, social,
cultural and productive aspects of the
region of Baixo Tocantins. At this time the
educators indicate possible methodologies
for collecting and systematizing research
data, such as: community map, agricultural
calendar, cross-sectional walk, interviews,
photographs etc.
At the time of orientations, the
teachers participate of axis in progress and
the next of subjects because the activities
of the time-community continue in the
subsequent semester. On some occasions
were adopted individual orientations with
the groups of students to resolve specific
doubts of the group and present particular
tools to each situation.
As the course progressed and the
teams began to deepening of diagnoses, the
particular orientations became increasingly
necessary, realizing the need to allocate
"advisors" to each group. These advisors,
usually teachers in the areas related to the
identified problems, had greater contact
with their group of mentors.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
In addition to orientation, constant
accompaniments of students in the field are
carried out during the development of
time-community also. The initial contact
with local leaders and the choice of
communities, however, were made
exclusively by students, ensuring their
autonomy in dialogue with the
interlocutors and the survey of issues most
relevant to the community.
From the second time-community,
the accompaniment began to be realized in
communities and the date was previously
marked by groups. About three teachers
per group participated in these
accompaniment, with the presence of one
of the teachers responsible for the time-
community subject
. These moments were
fundamental to ensure the closer
relationship between teachers, students and
farmers, configuring themselves as
important exchanges of knowledge, in
which teachers and students observe the
practices developed by farmers and bring
technical knowledge that allows improving
their production.
Socialization of Time-community
The socialization of time-community
occurs one day after the return to time-
school with the presence of all teachers, in
oral presentation form and delivery of
written work. The result of the experience
of pedagogical alternance was more
evident at that moment, when the students
brought different views of the different
realities of the regions surveyed.
The form of systematization and
presentation of the results of the research
also offered different didactic resources
that the students appropriated since the
time-school, such as those offered by
informatics for presentation of citations,
photographs, maps, history of the
communities, among others.
In this sense, there was also the
presentation of agricultural maquets and
calendars by some groups, which is an
important stimulus factor in improving the
future work of the other groups. The
exploration of didactic resources at the
beginning of the course is positive, because
on the one hand, it brings a familiarity with
the scientific methodology for the exercise
of the technical profession, and on the
other hand it contemplates the objective of
stimulating epistemological curiosity
(Freire, 1997).
The beginning of axis I of the course,
aimed to study of the socio-productive
diagnosis of the community, allowed the
apprehension of conflicts between local
economic interests and the defense of
sustainable development. The groups
observed socio-environmental problems
related to the access of natural resources,
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
such as those pointed out as significant
factors in the reduction of water volume,
either due to the devastation of riparian
forest, or by the construction of bathhouses
within communities.
Other problems were identified with
the progress of the research, it presenting
issues related to agricultural production,
such as low tillage productivity, pest
attack, difficulties in the implementation of
irrigation systems, technical problems
regarding fish cultivation, necessity to
improve small animal breeding systems
and hygienic-sanitary problems in the
processing of cassava for flour production.
In addition to the oral presentation
during the socialization, the data collected
in the field were systematized by the
students in reports, which are delivered to
teachers and evaluated for composition of
the grades of the subjects according to the
objective of the time-community and the
The evaluation of the knowledge
acquired by the students in the process of
articulation of the study times intended to
reflect on the expected results in the
planning of pedagogical practice,
especially in the articulation of the
knowledge of time-school and the
problematization of research in time-
This stage of training was the most
problematic in the educational process
during the initial stage of implementation
of the alternance in the course, because the
evaluation performed by the teachers did
not have criteria relating the activities of
time-school and the first time-community.
Some teachers did not even consider the
activities of the time-community in the
evaluation process of their disciplines.
However, after some complaints
from the students who felt unmotivated to
continue the time-community research, if it
was not part of the evaluation process and
from the reflection of the teaching staff on
the different training spaces (school and
community), the teachers understood that
the time-community is part of the
formative process, as Queiroz (2004)
argues, therefore it is necessary to consider
as part of the evaluation process.
In this sense, from the second time-
community their activities began to
compose the criteria for evaluating the
subjects of the semester. It is emphasized
that a common evaluation process has not
yet been reached for all teachers, because
they perform their evaluations in a
disjointed way of the other disciplines and
assigning different weights for time-
community activities, which range from 30
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
to 50% of the total grade of the subjects, as
can be seen in Table 1, below.
Table 1 Answer of teachers in relation to the weight attributed to time-community in the evaluation process of
their subjects.
If you consider the time-community activities in evaluation of your subject, how have you done
and what weight is intended for TC?
The activites of the time-community constitute 50% of the evaluation of the subjects and it consists in
evaluation of the time-community report and presentation in the socialization of the TC.
Seminars and reports. Until 30% of the grade.
50%, evaluation of the report and presentation.
I will do considering the involvement of the students in the activities, their development during the
process and their contributions. The weight will be around 50%.
The students socialize the experiences lived in the TC after return from the time-community with the
teachers of the other subjects of the course and classmates in classroom, in the form of seminar which is
assigned a score of 0-10.
50% for participation in time-community, 25% in the preparation of the report and 25% for the
presentation of the report.
In this case it is 100% due to being the subject of time-community, on the other would define from 30%
to 50% taking in consider the grade of the time-community.
Source: Authors, 2017.
In addition, some students
highlighted the importance of realize a
closer monitoring to the groups too,
identifying students who do not contribute
to the team and assigning them different
Limits and propositions for the
consolidation of alternance in the
technical course in Agriculture
The recognition of the importance of
pedagogical alternance for the technical
course in agriculture of IFPA Cametá, both
for teachers and students of the course is
indisputable; however, there are many
challenges for the execution and
consolidation of the alternance in the
course and on campus.
Therefore, the teachers and the
students were asked about in their
perceptions, which were the main factors
that presented themselves as limiting to the
execution and consolidation of pedagogical
alternance in the course. This survey
occurred through a semi-structured
questionnaire, with some response options
complemented later from the course
planning meetings with the teachers and
informal conversations with the students.
Thus, the teachers highlighted six
factors as the main limitations to
pedagogical alternance, being among the
most cited are the difficulty of access to
communities, the experience of the
teaching staff in the teaching by alternance
and the structure of the Campus Cametá, as
shown in Graph 5 below.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Graph 5 The factors presented by teachers as the main limiting factors for the consolidation of pedagogical
alternance in the Technical course in Agriculture of the Campus Cametá.
* The teachers could cite more than one factor as limiting factors, which explains more than 12 answers, since
questionnaires were applied to only 12 teachers.
Source: Authors, 2017
These factors have been scored in
this research repeatedly, they are reflecting
the problems faced since the beginning of
the course, and some measures have also
emerged in an attempt to overcome them,
such as meetings and workshops of teacher
The question regarding to difficulty
of access to communities, on the other
hand, is a reflection in the first place of the
class constitution, which is mostly urban,
and secondly, of the decision made by
some groups of students who made the
choice to realize the time-community
activity in very remote locations, and it is
difficult for them to move there, and for
teachers, at the time of accompanishment
since the campus has only one vehicle.
These questions were resumed and
others added during the planning meeting
realized in January 2018, where the
teachers did the retrospective of the
experience experienced in the first two
semesters of the course and they presented
some questions that could threaten the
consolidation of the agricultural course in
pedagogical alternance. On occasion, it
was remembered that although the
structure of the Campus which is still
under construction, it was operating in an
interim space provided by municipal
government and the budget matrix
reduced has not yet limited the execution
of time-community activities, it may in the
near future to prejudice the development of
pedagogical alternance in courses of the
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
campus, if actions are not taken to
overcome the identified problems.
In this respect some questions were
presented that were systematized and
forwarded to the general direction of the
campus after the meeting, so that steps
were taken to ensure the alternance in the
future. The points were presented: i) the
availability of financial resources to
support students in time-community; (ii)
the guarantee of life insurance for students
and teachers during the time-community;
iii) the guarantee of transport to assist in
the displacement of students and teachers;
iv) the firming of partnerships with local
institutions and representations of
organized civil society and social
movements of the field, in order to enable
structures of permanence of students and
teachers in the field during the time-
The difficulties presented by the
students (Graph 6) followed the same
principle and these mainly scored: i) the
lack of financial resources to perform the
time-community, since it is not reserved to
allow resources of the campus budget
matrix to support students in the time-
community; and ii) the difficulty of access
to communities, since the campus does not
have enough vehicles to assist the arrival
of students to the places where they realize
the time-community. In summary, a factor
leads to the other, since, if students
received financial assistance for the
execution of the time-community, they
could buy in addition to food and other
consumption materials, fuel to support the
displacement to communities.
Graph 6 Main difficulties presented by students to perform time-community.
Source: Authors, 2017
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
In this perspective, the teachers point
out some paths that can be followed to
consolidate the pedagogical alternance in
the course and enhance its contribution to
the formation of students. The Table 2
below shows some of the suggestions.
Table 2 Propositions of changes to enhance the pedagogical alternation in the course.
What do you consider that could be changed in the conduction of pedagogical alternance in the
Technical course in Agriculture to enhance the contribution of alternation to student training?
Most students need financial assistance to spend the necessary time in the working community.
1 - Work better the evaluation formo f the in time-community. 2 - Rethink the training cycles and
perhaps have a longer time-community time at the end of the semester where the instrumentals
approach issues involving all the disciplines of the semester. Thus we can have at the end of the first
semester a complete diagnosis (community and property), in the middle of the 2 semester the
preparation of action plan, at the end of the second semester the implementation of the action plan, at
the end of the 3 semester the evaluation of the action plan implemented.
Increased of resources and time for practical activities, as well as practical training of teacher.
Continuing training for teachers who do not yet know the work with alternance to make clearer the
conduct of times-community.
Prioritize actions of student assistance to students, because many of them are from other municipalities;
exchange of experience with other campuses and institutions; extracurricular workshops based on
technical e.g. soil analysis; training courses for teachers and; participation in events in the area.
Source: Authors, 2017.
Therefore, the propositions respond
to the main limits presented in this
research, including considering the main
demands of the students. Thus, it is
considered relevant mainly because it
understands that the campus intends to
institutionalize the pedagogical alternance
in all its courses, it makes necessary to
invest in teacher training, in order to
ensure the composition of a faculty
qualified and committed to professional
education in the field and provide in its
financial planning, the resources necessary
to conduct the alternation.
In this respect, Marinho (2016),
from similar experience the
implementation of the technical course in
Agriculture integrated to high school in a
pedagogical alternance regime at IFPA
campus Marabá Rural it highlights that is
necessary to articulate the pedagogical
dimensions (research, teaching and
extension) with the Administration and
Planning, in order to "ensure the logistics
and the necessary support for the training
of students in quantity and timely, in order
to allow the execution of educational
actions, thus enabling the integration of the
formative path and theory and practice
relationship" (Marinho, 2016, p. 214).
In the same perspective, Moura,
Dremiski, Borges and Souza (2013)
highlight the importance of institutional
partnerships, which was fundamental in
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
conducting the process of pedagogical
alternance in the technical course in
Agroecology of the Paranaguá campus of
IFPR, it held in the municipality of
Ortigueira-PR, where the municipality
government, the Brigada do MST, the
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais an
association of producers ensured the
structure of permanence of students and
spaces for the classes of the course to
occur in some moments in an itinerant
way, within the students communities of
origin ensuring their permanence in the
course and success in training.
The institutional partnerships have
been strong allies to ensure the actions at
Campus Cametá, however, the
approximation of representations of rural
communities, although it has advanced,
especially after the beginning of the
alternance still needs to be enhanced to
ensure the structural conditions of
permanence of students in the
The consideration of the students,
although they also present prepositions
related to the necessity for financial
resources to realization field activities,
they were more focused on the pedagogical
dimension, especially the need for greater
teacher accompaniment in the conduct of
time-community research, as can be
observed in Table 3.
Table 3 Propositions of changes presented by students to improve pedagogical alternance in the course.
In your opinion, what could be changed in conduct of time-community?
I’d like you to give more days to the time-community.
More participation of teachers to ask questions that you need at that moment.
Only the orientation so that it is clearer and more precise than what should be.
The number of people in the group, because many of the time one fia (sic) in the other and ends up
doing nothing.
Orientation should be by group, because each community with its particularity.
More time to do the job.
Have a teacher responsible for the team where he would be doing measurement, helping to do the job.
The presence of a mentor on the side of students.
It passes the guidelines more simply.
Greater presence of teachers and material for the preparation of maquets and others.
That IFPA provide technological conditions to students, such as computers.
They should help us with a small allowance because with each visit we have great difficulty, at least in
As it is distant and we do not have financial help from the others, for some of the team it becomes
difficult the issue of transportation.
Charge students what was actually passed in the classroom.
Have a group advisor.
The teachers going on the property.
Reduce the amount of time-community (reduce the months).
Source: Authors, 2017.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The necessity for closer orientation
of the students was an identified problem
and as soon as exceeded, from the third
time-community designated advisors by
groups who are responsible for mediating
the activities developed in the community,
dialoguing with the students and the
farmers in the construction of the plan to
improve the identified problems. It is also
their responsibility to assist students in the
systematization of research data and
writing of time-community reports.
Final considerations
Some challenges were overcome as
soon as perceived, mainly by the
engagement and willpower of the team
that, although inexperienced in what
consists of alternance training, they
struggled to ensure a formative process
suitable for the students. Others, however,
still need special attention to ensure the
institutionalization of alternance in the
course and at campus. Among these, the
training of teachers to work in field
education and agroecology and the need
for financial and logistical support to
ensure access and permanence of students
in the communities, as well as teacher
monitoring during the time-community are
In this sense, some propositions are
presented by teachers and students in order
to contribute to the solution of these
problems, highlighting:
Continuous training in field
education and agroecology for the faculty;
Articulation between teaching and
planning, in order to ensure logistical and
financial support for the execution of the
It is believed that with the institution
of the Política de Educação do Campo do
IFPA, recently approved, the process of
institutionalization of pedagogical
alternance at Campus is favored because
the guidelines presented by this document
added to the experiences already
accumulated by the social body of the
course in the development of these first
classes will give conditions to the
(re)orientation of pedagogical practices
and principles to be adopted in the conduct
of the later classes.
Then, it is also important to highlight
the necessity to reformulate the PPC of the
Course, in order to (re)structure the
curriculum and add the pedagogical
principles of field education and
agroecology, which although they are
being executed, they are not properly
registered in this important document. In
addition, updating must also be proceed to
attend the guidelines defined by the
Política de Educação do Campo do IFPA
which should be done by the year 2020.
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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This workshop, distinctly from the training
workshop mentioned above, was held with the
students of the two classes of the technical course
in Agriculture in the first days of class, as a way of
welcoming the classes.
The term 'lot' is used in the course to identify the
total area of the properties where rural families live
and work, independent of their size or the
agricultural activities carried out on them.
At IFPA-Campus Cametá the time-community is
registered as a subject because it has been this way
that the institution is able to allocate workload for
teachers to accompany students in their activities
and also to compose the total workload of the
Article Information
Received on December 03th, 2019
Accepted on August 01st, 2020
Published on November, 25th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Fagner Freires de Sousa
Josiele Pantoja de Andrade
Elaine Vasconcelos Bezerra Alves
Charles Alberto de Souza Alves
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A. S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance in the
subsequent technical in Agricultural course: challenges for technical training in the microregion of Cametá...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
How to cite this article
Sousa, F. F., Andrade, J. P., Alves, E. V. B., & Alves, C. A.
S. (2020). The implementation of pedagogical alternance
in the subsequent technical in Agricultural course:
challenges for technical training in the microregion of
Cametá. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e7978.
SOUSA, F. F.; ANDRADE, J. P.; ALVES, E. V. B.; &
ALVES, C. A. S. The implementation of pedagogical
alternance in the subsequent technical in Agricultural
course: challenges for technical training in the microregion
of Cametá. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5,
e7978, 2020.