Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social Affective
Strategies through application of the module "Learning to
Learn" in University Students
William Gil Castro Paniagua
Abdias Chávez Epiquén
, Dulio Oseda Gago
Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas - UNAJMA. Jr. Juan F. Ramos, Andahuaylas 03701, Perú.
Universidad Nacional
Ciro Alegría - UNCA.
Universidad Nacional De Cañete UNDC, Perú.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. In the field of cognitive psychology, the study of
learning and teaching strategies has aroused a growing interest.
This work shows the effect of the application of a module called
“learning to learn” applied to learn strategies in students of the
second term of the National University of the Amazonia from
Peru. The quantitative approach was used, the design was quasi-
experimental and the instrument a self-reporting questionnaire.
The sample was a group of one hundred twenty-three university
students (n=120). The effect of the module learns to learn does
not present a significant improvement (p>0.05) in the learning
strategies. Maturation and internal motivation were factors that
could explain this finding.
Keywords: Learning Strategies, Cognitive, Metacognitive,
Social Affective Strategies.
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Efeitos da Cognição, Meta-Cognição e Estratégias Sócio-
Afetivas em Estudantes Universitários
RESUMO. No campo da psicologia cognitiva, o estudo das
estratégias de aprendizagem e ensino despertaram um interesse
crescente. Este trabalho mostra o efeito da aplicação de um
módulo chamado "aprender a aprender" aplicado a estratégias de
aprendizagem em estudantes do segundo ciclo da Universidade
Nacional da Amazônia do Peru. A abordagem quantitativa foi
utilizada, o desenho foi quase-experimental e o instrumento um
questionário de auto-relato. A amostra foi um grupo de cento e
vinte e três estudantes universitários (n=120). O efeito do
módulo aprende a aprender não apresenta uma melhoria
significativa (p>0,05) nas estratégias de aprendizagem. A
maturação e a motivação interna foram fatores que poderiam
explicar este achado.
Palavras-chave: Estratégias de Aprendizagem, Cognição,
Metacognição, Estratégias Socioemocionais.
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Efectos de las estrategias cognitivas, meta cognitivas y
socio afectivas en estudiantes universitarios
RESUMEN. En el campo de la psicología cognitiva el estudio
de las estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje ha despertado un
creciente interés. Este trabajo muestra el efecto de la aplicación
de un módulo llamado: “Aprender a Aprender” aplicado en las
estrategias de aprendizaje en los estudiantes del segundo ciclo
de la Universidad Nacional del Amazonas en Perú. El método
utilizado fue cuantitativo, el diseño cuasi experimental y los
instrumentos aplicados fueron cuestionarios. La muestra
constituyó de un grupo de ciento veinte estudiantes
universitarios (n=120). El efecto del módulo “Aprender a
Aprender” no representó una mejora significativa (p > 0.05) en
las estrategias de aprendizaje. La maduración y la motivación
interna son factores que podrían explicar este hallazgo.
Palabras clave: Estrategias de Aprendizaje, Cognición, Meta-
cognición, Estrategias socioemocionales.
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
In the process of cognition and
storage of information when an individual
learns a variety of cognitive mechanisms
such as coding, retention, storage, retrieval,
and the response of information are
activated. These processes are activated
from a set of cognitive structures (sensory
registers or receptors, short-term memory,
long-term memory, and expressive
effectors or response generators), which
occur in the central processor (human
brain) through the strategies of learning
(Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968). About the
theoretical approaches in learning
strategies, the postulates of Nisbet and
Shucksmith (1987) and Weinstein, Goetz
and Alexander, (1988) are assumed, and
they say that the processes are flexible and
enable an adequate use of learning
In researches about the training of
learning strategies, has been strong growth,
and the works of Braten and Olausen
(1988) and Halbach (2000), are focused on
identifying the learning strategies used by
students. Similarly, Chamot (1987), Carr
and Jessup (1995), Chalupa, Chen and
Charles (2001) and Chen (2002), had
researched in students the use of learning
strategies in several contexts. Likewise,
Ablard and Lipzchultz (1998), Bembenutty
and Zimmerman (2003), have examined
the influencing variables to the use of
learning strategies in students. On the other
hand, the findings obtained by Gargallo
(2000), in the application of the training
program in learning strategies in students
of 1st and 2nd year of secondary school, in
which he achieves the transference of
learning strategies.
Learning Strategies
It is well known that students to
achieve academic success always turn to
different learning strategies. Some learning
strategies may be beneficial for some but
harmful for others, the choice of one type
of strategy over the other has been
extensively investigated in the last three
decades (Neroni et al., 2019). Learning
strategies are also seen as a process of
acquisition, organization, and
transformation of information to succeed in
the study. It is very important to know how
to study in a way that lasts the knowledge
and skills acquired, knowing which
learning strategies are most important for
academic achievement suits both the
student and the instructor.
A learning strategy can be defined as
a mental activity, regulated by the student
and that is linked to the understanding of
the subject (Gloggler-Frey, Deutscher &
Renkl, 2018). Learning strategies
correspond to a set of actions to solve
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
different tasks. These strategies may
increase depending on complexity and are
developed based on the usual methods of
processing, control, regulation and
evaluation of the information of their
activities by the students (Chuvgunova &
Kostromina, 2016).
There are several perspectives on
how learning strategies can be classified.
In this regard, some classify them in
cognitive, motivational and self-regulation
strategies (Weinstein, Schulte & Palmer,
1987). Others classify the strategies into
cognitive, metacognitive and resource
management (McKeachie et al., 1990).
They can also be divided into deep,
superficial and achievement strategies
(Biggs, 1987). The classification of these
strategies is diverse; however, there would
be a consensus in three components:
Cognitive, metacognitive and socio-
emotional strategies (O’Malley & Chamot,
1990; Yang & Bai, 2019).
Based on the theory of self-regulated
learning, learning must occur as a cyclic
interaction between cognitive processes
and metacognitive processes. This idea
comes from the conception that cognitive
and metacognitive processes complement
each other in their functions (Roelle,
Nowitzki & Berthold, 2017). Cognitive
and socio-emotional strategies became the
focus of attention in higher education
research, then metacognitive strategies
have been recognized as abilities that allow
the application of cognitive and socio-
emotional strategies (Vermunt, 1996).
Socio-emotional strategies are procedures
performed by students in which they adopt
and manage their interactions with
environmental factors, or to control
affective factors such as emotions and
motivations (Yang & Bai, 2019). While
cognitive and socio-emotional strategies
emphasize specific learning procedures,
metacognitive strategies have a broader
Figure 1 - Classification of Learning Strategies.
Source: Own design based on Yang & Bai (2019).
Cognitive Strategies
Cognitive strategies are applied to
study the learning material, that is:
assimilate, combine, among others;
provided that metacognitive strategies are
applied to manage the learning process
such as planning, controlling the result
among others (Chuvgunova & Kostromina,
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
2016). Cognitive strategies include simple
and complex strategies that are directly
applicable to a given task or course
(Alexander, Graham & Harris, 1998).
Cognitive strategies are used to
increase understanding and recall of
particular information; so that the material
is more meaningful for the students. They
help the development of coherent mental
schemes by imposing a structure on the
information collected, allowing students to
more easily integrate new information with
existing knowledge (De Boer et al., 2018).
Cognitive strategies are divided into
several groups: elaboration strategies
through which students create connections
between new material and what is already
known (Cromley, Snyder-Hogan & Luciw-
Dubas, 2010); essay strategies where
students store information in memory
repeating and remembering its content; and
organizational strategies, where students
classify and structure information (Mayer,
The cognitive strategies are formed
by the acquisition strategies, information
codification (or storage) and recovery (or
evocation), conceived as a reproductive
action, which serves as a basis for the basic
development processes of the thinking
(Román & Gallego, 2008 ). This process
translates an input sensory information,
from one conceptual representation to
another, and can even translate from a
conceptual representation to an output
motor information (Sternberg, 1997). It has
also been found that Intensive use of
cognitive strategies implies greater
performance in fluid intelligence (Kaya &
Acar, 2019).
Metacognitive Strategies
The goal of metacognitive strategies
is to teach students how to set goals and
how to be effective and independent
(Baker, 2002; Zhussupova & Kazbekova,
2016). This is related to the way students
think and learn, including planning,
monitoring and evaluation skills (Baker &
Beall, 2009). Metacognitive strategies are
implemented by students to plan to learn,
monitor their activities and evaluate their
results (O'Malley & Chamot, 1990). They
allow you to execute self-management or
self-regulation to achieve the desired
learning. Metacognitive strategies are more
separate from learning tasks and, in
general, are transferable through different
tasks and learning domains (O'Malley &
Chamot, 1990). That would serve to ensure
the proper functioning of the other groups
of strategies, planning, supervising,
directing, evaluating and adjusting the
functioning of cognitive mechanisms (self-
knowledge, self-management-regulation-
evaluation, self-management-planning) and
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
the support strategies that favor or hinder
the functioning of the other groups of
strategies (Marugán et al., 2013; Zhang &
Seepho, 2013 ). In metacognitive
strategies, students think about their
thinking, this includes planning,
monitoring of the understanding and
modification of the mental processes
themselves (Duncan & McKeachie, 2005;
Zimmerman, 2002). In recent studies, the
effect size of metacognitive strategies on
learning achievement was r = 0.20 (Dent &
Koenka, 2016). This means that 4% of the
total variance of students' academic is due
to the use of metacognitive strategies (Cai
et al., 2019).
Metacognitive strategies facilitate
and regulate cognition. With these
strategies, you can monitor and control
your learning, including the application of
cognitive strategies. Three phases
characterize metacognitive activities. The
first phase, called forecasting, addresses
the planning strategies, that is, the students
analyze the activities and plan how to
approach it (De Boer et al, 2018). Then in
the performance phase, the activity is
executed, including monitoring strategies
to verify the understanding of the material
(Kostons, Van Gog & Paas, 2010). The last
phase of the learning process is self-
reflection, in which a student evaluates the
learning process, which provides
information for planning the next learning
Metacognitive strategies are actions
carried out by the subject, can be before,
during and after the learning processes take
place, to optimize the learning. It has three
dimensions: Self-planning, self-monitoring
(self-control) and self-evaluation
(Moshman, 2018). In the literature, three
types of metacognitive strategies are the
most frequently used: self-planning, self-
monitoring, and self-evaluation (O'Malley
& Chamot, 1990; Pintrich, 1999;
Weinstein & Van Mater Stone, 1996;
Zimmerman & Martinez-Ponz, 1986).
Social-affective Strategies
In the case of social-affective
strategies, it has been found that modifies
the quality of verbalizations of co-
regulated activities and nonverbal behavior
(Saariaho et al., 2019). Socio-emotional
strategies are related to the ability to
integrate thinking, feeling and behavior to
achieve important goals (Zins et al., 2004).
Through socio-emotional strategies,
greater awareness and ability to regulate
emotions, implement effective problem-
solving strategies and build positive
relationships in their environment are
A conceptual approach will be made
about “learning to learn”, which is
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
understood as the acquisition of skills and
strategies that autonomously make possible
future learnings. It involves paying special
consideration to procedural contents
(Gargallo, 2000). Learning to learn does
not refer to the direct learning of contents,
but the skills learning which helps students
to learn content (Beltran, 1993). Learn to
learn implies the capacity to consider how
a person learns and accordingly to his acts,
self-regulating its self-learning process
through the use of flexible and appropriate
strategies, that are transferred and adapted
to new situations (Díaz & Hernández,
1999 ). The learner must learn to search,
select, analyze critically and integrate, in
his cognitive schemes, the necessary
information to develop successfully in the
An important question which comes
to the mind would be, what strategy could
be applied in order to help students to learn
properly?, the interest in the subject is
because today is essential that students
"learn to learn", because, they will need to
continue learning throughout their lives
and, on the other hand, teachers forget
about it and do not address problems to
help students, professors only focus on
teaching what is in the curricular of the
state, neglecting teaching procedures for
learning (strategies). To corroborate these
approaches in the classrooms, this study is
intended to verify the effects of the
application of the learning to learn module
in the learning strategies on the second
term students of the Intercultural
University of the Amazon in Pucallpa,
Perú. This study is important because it
will show teachers that apply learning
strategies can help their students to learn
properly and get better results in the
learning process.
The research was quantitative, with
an experimental design, with a sample of
120 students in the second term of the
Aquaculture Agroforestry Engineering
career at the University of the Amazon in
Pucallpa, Perú. The procedures applied in
the transfer of learning strategies were:
Planning, motivation for use, modeling of
the strategy, internalization of the strategy,
independent practice, explicit instruction in
processes of regulation and self-testing of
learning and finally teaching in real
contexts. Module I and II of learning to
learn with 23 units were used for this
purpose. The instrument used was the
Scale of Learning Strategies (Román &
Gallego, 2008) and Inventory of
Metacognitive Strategies (O’Neil & Abedi,
1996). The application of the modules was
done during two weekly hours, within the
“Technical Writing” course. An ANOVA
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
analysis was carried out, evaluating the
influence that the application of the
"Learning to Learn" module can have on
Cognitive, Metacognitive and Social-
affective strategies in university students.
The Analysis is for both the Experimental
and Control groups and the strategies were
evaluated before and after applying the
learning strategies. Post-hoc tests are not
applicable because these tests are to
determine the individual effect of each
factor when there are more than two, in
this case, there are only two groups to
compare. The software used for the
analysis was SPSS version 25. Therefore,
the proposed hypothesis was: The
Application of the "Learning to Learn"
module produces a significant
improvement in students' learning
strategies of the second term of the
Aquaculture Agroforestry Engineering
career at the University of the Amazon in
Results and discussion
After the experiments had been done,
the consolidated results of the research are
presented in table 1.
Table 1. ANOVA of the difference of groups for learning strategies, with the Scale of learning strategies.
p (0.635) > 0.05
p (0.320) > 0.05
p (0.600)> 0.05
p (0.618) > 0.05
* Significance level 0.05
Source: Prepared by author.
With the obtained data, in the
experiment the acceptance of the null
hypothesis for the variable: It means the
application effect of the learning to learn
module does not produce a significant
improvement in the learning strategies in
second term students of the National
Intercultural University of the Amazon in
Pucallpa [p (0,618) > 0.05]. In other
words, when applying the learning to learn
module, students did not improve their
learning strategies, consequently means
that, between the two tests, the group of
control had a better result on that
dimension (as shown in table 1) than the
experimental group, meaning that the
module didn’t cause an effect on this
The obtained results show that the
learning to learn module did not make a
significant difference in learning strategies,
refute the postulates of Atkinson and
Shiffrin (1968) on the processing and
storage of information, that learning
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
strategies mediate this processing.
Likewise, Nisbet and Shucksmith (1987);
Weinstein, Goetz, and Alexander (1988)
which are flexible processes that help in
the proper use of learning strategies.
These results could be explained
with the postulate of Wienstein et al.,
(1979), on the conceptual change of the
role of learners in educational processes,
where the interest of the research is
centered on the information processing
capacities of the students, which require
more conscious training since due to the
short time of this study it did not make it
possible. Furthermore, the theory of
information processing proposes that it is a
complex and active process that the student
does to achieve learning and that are
aspects which current researches towards
(Weinstein & Meyer, 1986), this
complexity in information processing
requires other factors so that they can be
transferred, one of these factors could be
the maturation of people in cognitive
processes (Darling, et al. 2019), because it
is part of the personality of each person
and not every person could be mature in
cognitive processes, therefore, there is no
control of that aspect and that is why this
factor could influence in the study. The
other factor would be the intrinsic
motivation, because the students didn’t
find it interesting or exciting (the
modules), so there was no motivation to
have self-determination in order to put
more effort in learning (Bieg, et al. 2016),
this could be considered as other factor
which could influence in this study.
On the other hand, Cooper (1993)
considers learning as a problem of personal
discovery, intrinsically motivated, in which
the learner responds to environmental
needs considering his style, self-regulation,
and reflective learning; or as Coll et al.,
(1993) state, which is learned because we
are capable of elaborating a personal
representation of an object of reality or
content that is intended to be learned from
experience, interests and previous
knowledge, but in the study, it was
observed that students are still extrinsically
motivated, for example, notes are their
main motivation, and not so, the learning
process itself. This approach focuses on
learning as a personal discovery. Both
positions point to autonomous learning
until they become independent learners,
the results show us the students in this
research did not achieve autonomy in the
process of self-learning, an aspect that
must be deepened with other research.
It also refutes the empirical result
found by Gargallo (2000), who succeeds in
transferring learning strategies after
applying for a program. These results in
this context could also be the cause of the
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
educational level in which the Ucayali
region finds itself, which is in the last
places in the comprehension tests at the
national level at the basic level, which
affects students who enter the higher level.
This controversy regarding the
results invites us to continue investigating
ways of transferring learning strategies,
since, as the theory states, they would be
tools that achieve autonomous learning,
and this is a problem in our educational
system, especially in the university
education system where the student must
Despite the result of this study, the
learning strategies can help students but
they need to be applied in the right way so
it can show effects after a period of time.
The strategies could have a huge impact on
the knowledge of the students, since,
students would be able to learn properly
with them. The learning strategies can help
teachers also because, they would get
better and expected results from their
This situation raises questions such
as; how much time is needed to achieve the
transfer of learning strategies? What other
factors are at the root of the transfer of
these strategies? Are our learners’
autonomous learners? Questions that invite
us to continue investigating the subject,
and that open many possibilities to be able
to answer it.
The application of the learning to
learn module did not produce a significant
improvement in the learning strategies in
the second term students of the National
Intercultural University of the Amazon in
Pucallpa-Peru. This result refutes the
postulate on the processing and storage of
information, since they were not able to
mediate the learning process, nor was
improved the flexible use of these
strategies. It can be explained by the
conceptual change, since the capacities of
information, processing needs a conscious
and active training, for a longer time in its
application, besides it requires other
factors that could not be controlled as the
cognitive and emotional maturation,
because it is part of the personality of each
person. Another aspect that interfered is
the scarce development of intrinsic
motivation. Likewise, the results are
opposed to the findings of two empirical
studies carried out in basic education. This
indicates that the students have not yet
become autonomous learners.
From the instructional point of view,
it seems necessary that the teachers carry
out exercises that allow students to be
"active" subjects in their learning processes
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and Social
Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
and strategies since the action of the
student is defined as a relevant variable in
the change of the conceptions. This aspect
is closely related to the metacognitive
activation and should help students to
solve learning tasks or goals, to reflect on
and solve their problems or difficulties of
However, this study considers that
the didactic strategy should be
accompanied by certain contextual,
motivational, and metacognitive conditions
in the students, which allow them to
develop a constructive vision of learning;
this process should also orient them toward
the required conceptual change since,
otherwise, the student's perception may not
correspond to the teacher's thoughts and
intentions, and therefore, there may not be
a relationship between instruction as
perceived by the teacher and as perceived
by the student. On the other hand, it is
recommended that this study should be
applied but in a longer period of time to
see results in students, adding what was
mentioned above.
Finally, it is necessary to emphasize
that there are still many issues to
investigate and deepen, both in terms of
the analysis of conceptions about learning
and in terms of cognitive, metacognitive
and socio-affective strategies. It is hoped
that this study will make an interesting
contribution that will stimulate curiosity
about the raising of new questions that will
increase the understanding of these
processes and, therefore, of what is related
to human learning in the context of
university education.
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Affective Strategies through application of the module "Learning to Learn" in University Students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Article Information
Received on November 21th, 2020
Accepted on April 07th, 2020
Published on July, 29th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
William Gil Castro Paniagua
Abdias Chávez Epiquén
Dulio Oseda Gago
How to cite this article
Castro Paniagua, W. G., Chávez Epiquén, A., & Oseda
Gago, D. (2020). Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition and
Social Affective Strategies through application of the
module "Learning to Learn" in University Students. Rev.
Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e7967.
OSEDA GAGO, D. Effects of Cognition, Meta-Cognition
and Social Affective Strategies through application of the
module "Learning to Learn" in University Students. Rev.
Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5, e7967, 2020.