Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing
perspective on the formative action of the Cocais/PI
Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)
Maria Raquel Barros Lima
, Carmen Lúcia de Oliveira Cabral
Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA. Coordenação de Ciências Humanas. Campus Codó. Avenida José Anselmo,
2008, São Benedito. Codó - MA. Brasil.
Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. The present study aims to analyze the Study Plan
(SP) of the Alternation Pedagogy in its problematic dimension
in the formative action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family
School (EFA Cocais/PI). As a grounding question of the present
study, the question is: to what extent is the problematizing
dimension mediated by the SP effective in the EFA Cocais/PI?
This question is based on the inherent condition of the SP as the
pedagogical mediation of the Alternation Pedagogy, which is the
problematization. Connected to other mediations, no less
relevant, the SP articulates, beyond the formative times and
spaces, the daily knowledge of families in the processes of
teaching and learning. These elements incur the design of a
formation conveyed to the problematizing dimension,
considering that the reality experienced in the daily lives of
families is inserted in the school environment through the SP.
The data analysis showed the effectiveness of the problematic
condition inherent to the SP in the formative action developed in
the EFA Cocais/PI, but also revealed the existence of gaps in the
realization named the SP cycle.
Keywords: Study Plan, Pedagogy of Alternation, Problematic
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
Plano de Estudo (PE) da Pedagogia da Alternância:
perspectiva problematizadora na ação formativa da Escola
Família Agrícola dos Cocais/PI (EFA Cocais/PI)
RESUMO. O presente trabalho objetiva a análise do Plano de
Estudo (PE) da Pedagogia da Alternância em sua dimensão
problematizadora na ação formativa da Escola Família Agrícola
dos Cocais/PI (EFA Cocais/PI). Como indagação
fundamentadora do presente estudo, questiona-se: em que
medida a dimensão problematizadora mediada pelo PE se
efetiva na EFA Cocais/PI? Essa questão se baseia na condição
inerente do PE como mediação pedagógica da Pedagogia da
Alternância, que é a problematização. Conectada às outras
mediações, não menos relevantes, o PE articula, além dos
tempos e espaços formativos, os saberes cotidianos das famílias
nos processos de ensino aprendizagem. Esses elementos
incorrem no desenho de uma formação veiculada à dimensão
problematizadora, tendo em vista que a realidade vivenciada no
cotidiano das famílias se insere no ambiente escolar através do
PE. A análise dos dados apresentou a efetivação da condição
problematizadora inerente ao PE na ação formativa
desenvolvida na EFA Cocais/PI, contudo desvelou também a
existência de lacunas na realização do que denominamos de
ciclo do PE.
Palavras-chave: Plano de Estudo, Pedagogia da Alternância,
Dimensão problematizadora.
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
Plan de Estudio (PE) de la Pedagogía de Alternancia:
Perspectiva problematizadora en la acción formativa de la
Escuela Familia Agrícola de los Cocais/PI (EFA Cocais/PI)
RESUMEN. El presente trabajo objetiva el estudio del Plano de
Estudio (PE) de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia en su dimensión
problemtizadora en la acción formativa de la Escuela Familia
Agrícola de los Cocais/PI (EFA Cocais/PI). Como indagación
fundamentadora del presente estudio, cuestiona-se: En qué
medida la dimensión problematizadora mediada por el PE se
efectiva en EFA Cocales/PI? Esa cuestión se basa en la
condición esencial del PE como mediación pedagógica de la
Pedagogía de la Alternancia, que es la problematización.
Conectada a otras mediaciones pedagógicas de la alternancia, no
menos relevantes, el PE articula, además de los tiempos y
espacios formativos, los saberes cotidianos de las familias a los
procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Esos elementos generan en
el dibujo de una formación que se encuentra entrelazada a
dimensión problematizadora, gritando atención para el facto que
la realidad del cotidiano de las familias se encuentran presente
en ambiente escolar a través del PE. El análisis de los dados
presentó la efectivación de la condición problematizadora según
la naturaleza del PE. En La acción formativa en EFA Cocais/PI,
sin embargo, el estudio desveló también la existencia de rasgos
en la realización del que nombramos ciclo del PE.
Palabras clave: Plan de Estudio, Pedagogía de la Alternancia,
Dimensión Problematizadora.
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
The problematizing perspective of
the Study Plan (SP) attributes to this
mediation the quality of articulating the
times, spaces and knowledge in alternating
training. The educational action that is
carried out by the SP focuses on respecting
the insertion of the participating families’
cultural knowledge in this process. The SP,
fundamental part of the Pedagogical
Mediations of Alternation, effectives the
problematizing character of these young
people training, considering their families’
social, political, economic and cultural
These Pedagogical Mediations of the
“Pedagogia da Alternância mark the
differentiation of the peasant youth training
process in relation to other field schools
located. Firstly, because this modality is
typical of the Agricultural Family Schools
(AFs), which are preferably located in the
countryside. Another point lies in the fact
of the problematizing aspect of the daily
reality of the families that are inserted in
the AFs.
The SP problematic dimension, as
this mediation is responsible for the
systematization of investigative questions
of the families and communities’ reality,
enhances training processes aimed at the
young people’s protagonism as potential
transforming subjects of their reality.
Remarkably intriguing, the SP in its
pedagogical consistency is intertwined in a
network of instrumental relations with
other mediations, whose articulation ends
up leading the educational action in the
mode of alternation in a meaningful and
contextualized way. It is true that the 17
AFs, which currently operate in the state of
Piauí, have a different character due to
their location in different regions of the
state. This aspect provides rich experiences
regarding the materialization of these
mediations, among them, the SP
dynamization. Thus, we delimited this
study to the context of the Cocais
Agricultural Family School Cocais AFs
in PI, in order to study the specific case
concerning the SP implementation.
Cocais AFs is located in the
municipality of São João do Arraial,
specifically in Quente town, which is
located 3 km from the municipal
headquarters in the state of Piauí. The AFs
surrounding families are farmers who live
in a locality focused on agricultural
production aiming at family support. The
technical and vocational courses offered by
AFs are: Technical in Agriculture,
Agribusiness and Rural Administration.
The latter course is still offered, even
without demand. Teachers and other
professionals are hired through a selective
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
test conducted by the State Department of
Education. It is noteworthy that although
the AFs are the state responsibility, they
have assured the manager’s choice and
administrative autonomy.
In this study, the delimitation of
Cocais AFs is justified by the researcher’s
experience there as a teacher in 2013,
which facilitated her access and
permanence in the study field, considering
its ethnographic character. Another pro
argument is that the school has a relatively
active parents’ association which is
configured as a characteristic dimension of
the “Pedagogia da Alternância in its
proposal for educational action.
There, the researcher lived different
experiences as participation in moments of
preparation, motivation, achievement in
family time/space and socialization in the
return of students to the SP school session
at Cocais AFs, which motivated the
following question: In which perspective,
does the SP articulate the problematizing
dimension in the training processes at
Cocais AFs in PI? Indirectly, this inquiry
extends to other mediations since Common
Placement, Tutoring, Reality Notebook,
Accompanying Notebook, Family and
Community Visits, Visits and Study Trips,
Nights Extra Hours, External
Interventions, Return Activities and Young
Professional Project, are intertwined with
the SP in its training articulating action in
the AFs.
Each of these pedagogical
mediations dynamizes a training
circumstance without, however, detaching
itself from the comprehensive aspect
intrinsic to the alternating training
processes. In addition to the articulation of
these mediations, there is the
interdisciplinary dimension they foster in
school time/space.
The research ethnographic character
in education is based on the perspective of
André (1995, 1984) who brings a
contribution to education research through
the bias of ethnography in order to make
the permanence in the research field more
flexible without being harmful to the
results. The techniques used for data
production were: narrative interview and
participant observation, which, according
to Angrosino (2009), means the insertion
in the context where the phenomenon
occurs, during which the field diary was
produced. For data analysis, we applied the
perspectives of Discourse Analysis (DA),
as conceived by Bakhtin (2006) through
the reading of Brait (2005) and
Fairclough's Critical Discourse
Analysis/CDA (2008).
The insertion in the empirical field
took place during the year 2018 and
followed the dynamics of the third year of
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
the Agricultural course. Two teachers of
the class, two teachers responsible for the
school management, two members of the
parent’s association and three students of
the third year of Farming were the research
participants. In order to preserve their
identity, it was agreed to identify them by
the pseudonyms of the solar system
planets, under the justification of the
systemic dynamics that exist among these
celestial bodies and the sun, generating a
continuous movement.
This study report is structured in
three sections, besides the introduction and
final considerations. The first section is
concerned with the theoretical framework
of the analysis due to its complexity; the
second one focuses on the Training Plan,
which supports the Study Plan at Cocais
AFs; In the third section, the focus turns to
the problematizing dimension of the SP in
the perspective of the research participants
who are the subjects of the AFs formative
Theoretical framework of the analyzes
This section articulates the two
perspectives of discursive analysis,
understanding that articulation becomes
necessary in order to confer the theoretical
support that gives the work rigor and
responsibility with respect to the data
produced, especially when dealing with the
practice of speech analysis of the
According to Brait (2005, p. 88), the
conceptual basis of languages committed
to “… a world view that, precisely in the
search for ways of constructing and
establishing meanings” expresses the
varied ways of understanding the reality
and the world. The author reverberates and
discusses Bakhtin's (2006) treatises on
verbal interaction. In this sense, the focus
is on the primacy of meaning production,
arguing that Bakhtin conceives meaning as
a limited dimension compared to meaning
In consonance to Bakhtin, Fairclough
(2008) states that language is associated
with active character and intervention in
the world. He also points out that language
is a social practice, which denies the
possibility of discursive construction
individually and isolated from the subjects’
socio-cultural dimension. This author’s
position is directly articulated with
Bakhtin’s assumptions (2006), when he
states that the discursive construction is
imbricated in the basic principle of its
conceptual theoretical construction, the
otherness, the foundation of the
constitutive social interactive relations of
The focus on discourse in the
theoretical perspective of the CDA as a
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
way to establish understanding about the
problematizing character of the SP in its
constitution at Cocais AFs helps to work
on aspects that are present or are veiled in
the speech, posture and practice of the
subjects that dynamize the SP at Cocais
AFs daily life. Taking the DA and CDA as
a perspective of analysis of data produced
in the research field provided the
opportunity to understand the production
of meanings of the SP in its problematic
dimension by the subjects who are the
protagonists of this training.
Cocais AFs Training Plan: the
constitutive basis of the Study Plan
The Training Plan is the means by
which the educational action of Cocais
AFs assumes the themes that reflect the
families’ reality articulated with the
contents and knowledge of daily life. It
offers and provides an education whose
problematic SP bias becomes crucial to the
alternating training processes. Before
embarking on the SP problematizing
perspective, it is noteworthy that this
pedagogical mediation, according to Jesus
(2011, p. 81), “... integrates life, work,
family with the AFs”, a condition that
places the SP as the main pedagogical
mediation, which makes it possible to
observe the experience and discourses of
the subjects who are the protagonists of the
educational work at Cocais AFs.
The research presented, through the
research participants’ speeches, as well as
the participant observation, the existence
of an organizational, dynamic, procedural
and continuous cycle of the SP. The name
of the cycle was designed by the
understanding that the SP is elaborated in a
continuous dynamic construction, loaded
with problematizing intentionality. The SP
problematic themes constitute the Training
Plan that is presented by the director at the
beginning of the school year at a
pedagogical meeting to the school staff, to
the representations of the families and to
the students. This is characterized as a
training project according to the
“Pedagogia da Alternância”.
The construction of the Training Plan
at Cocais AFs obeys the existence of an
initial moment that is centered on the
director. This is interesting because the
director systematizes this document
individually and presents it for peer
review. This practice compromises the SP
elaboration, since its nature should be
participatory and balanced between
popular and scientific knowledge. The
participant observation showed that the
first stage of the SP constitution, the
construction of the Training Plan, is
detached from the participation of families,
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
teachers and students. This document
construction is conceived as a central axis
in alternating training.
About the Training Plan, Gimonet
(2007) states that it is a marker instrument
of meaningful and contextualized
educational action of the young people’s
training processes. However, this
document still represents a constant
challenge to all members of Cocais AFs
who are called to collaborate with the
articulation between what the alternating
training demands, problematization of
families’ daily reality linked to formal
contents, and the transformation of the
peasant reality through the young students’
One of the challenges lies in the
difficulty of involvement of all
professionals, including the families, in the
perspective demanded by the Training
Plan. The general objective of the Training
Plan at Cocais AFs 2018is: To elaborate
and implement the Youth Professional
Project, seeking local development, quality
of life, sustainability and income (Training
Plan of Cocais AFs/ PI, 2018). It is
systematized in:
I - Generator Theme - me, my family
and the land.
II Study Plan Themes:
Field Survival
Alternatives and Youth Professional
Project (YPP).
Solitary Economy.
Public Policies.
Social and union
AF sin my life.
For each SP generating theme, there
is a motivational approach listed according
to their sequence to be worked on in each
session, according to which is systematized
at Cocais AFs Pedagogical Political
Project, as follows:
Socio-political and
economic issues; The importance of YPP
for Life Project (where do I want to go?).
This approach exists to enhance what the
AFs defines as young technicians’
entrepreneurship, motivating local
development in an agro-ecological way,
according to the training orientations of
Cocais AFs.
“Get to know You
Professionally” I'm a professional - what
now? Young people are prepared for the
profession adversities of agricultural
technician. Cocais AFs directs technical
training focused on the principles of family
farming. Their biggest challenge is to
assert themselves in this sense, given the
work demand offered by agribusiness.
Creating technical professional identity
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
established by the principles of family
farming is the focus of discussion at this
Memorial of solidarity
work; historical context of associativism
and cooperativism. To Cocais AFs, one of
the biggest concerns is the involvement of
young agricultural technicians with
productive actions aimed at associativism
and cooperativism.
Project financing; Economic
viability of production; ATER - control;
popular social participation; Agricultural
credit: where and how to get it, how to use
it; Public policies for the field. The Youth
Professional Projects (YPP) are prepared to
raise funds to materialize it. The focus on
these elements prepares young technicians
to plead, in addition to policies aimed at
productivity in the field, capital investment
for the YPP.
Characterization and differentiation - Field
of activity (where and how they are
organized in each municipality). The
knowledge of regional potentialities and
their particularities is relevant to the young
people technical performance.
What this time at AFs has
changed in my life: individual, family and
community; I am a former student: what
now? Cocais AFs commitment to
graduates. The focus here is the AFs’s
commitment to the young agricultural
technicians’ socio-professional
Following its systematization, the
Training Plan places night extra hours and
feedback activity as spaces for deepening
the themes previously mentioned. The
latter focus on defining the Young
Professional Project theme. As a
concluding topic, the plan presents the
“skills and competencies about the
identification of potentialities and
ownership and feasibilities (infrastructure,
location, nature); Pointing out diverse
challenges by discussing possible
alternatives to stay in the field” (Cocais
AFs in PI Training Plan, 2018).
The last year of the course
emphasizes the pillar of local development
and entrepreneurship, preparing young
people to develop activities in local
economy, respecting regional potential.
Regarding the general objective, the focus
is the implementation of the YPP as an
opportunity to generate income for the
technicians and their families, as well as to
enhance the region development focused
on its productive activities. The training
action at Cocais AFs is guided by the
agroecological dimension of productive
development. In this sense, the school has
a partnership with the training center of the
Federal University of Piauí, in the city of
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
Parnaíba. This facilitates young people’s
training in these dimensions.
The bias towards productive work at
school directed at agroecology is focused
on aspects that break with the capitalist
view of agribusiness. According to what is
written in the school documents - the
Training Plan and the Pedagogical Political
Project - PPP, the SPare conditioning
factors of a more focused perspective on
the exercise of the agroecological model of
production in the property, based on the
parameters of sustainability and on the
respect for solidary relationship sin the
economics field.
In order to understand the SP
relevance to the training work at Cocais
AFs, it is necessary to understand the
Training Plan as a vital and imperative
document for the AFs training dynamics.
That is because it contains the core of what
guides the training processes, in other
words, it contains the guidelines for the SP
problematizing dimension, as well as the
accomplishments of other mediations that,
when articulated, provide an organic and
interdisciplinary planning, materialized as
a proposal for educational action at Cocais
AFs. With the participant observation, it
was possible to perceive a contradictory
picture of the implementation of the
guidelines punctuated in the Training Plan,
because the document was elaborated
individually and then submitted for
Regarding this, Gimonet (2007, p.
69) states that this instrument is "... an
orchestration of sets ...", that helps
questioning the way this instrument
construction occurs at Cocais AFs,
because, according to the author, the
involvement of all subjects who are part of
the training processes in the AFs is crucial.
This question is based on one of the
fundamental principles of the AFs
movement: collective participation in the
schools’ direction. This point should be
considered, especially regarding to what
Mészáros (2005) highlights about the
adjustment maneuvers that occur in
capitalist society related to education.
Thus, this adjustment maneuver
jeopardizes the educational action
proposed by the “Pedagogia da
Alternância”, as the discourse of the AFs
in the state proclaims. About the Training
Plan construction path at Cocais AFs,
Mercury affirms that in the
... pedagogical week ... eh, I did [it
was done] a study ... a study plan
survey in various schools, I have
experience with other schools, I
already had this plan ... I went ... I
saw ... I read two master’s
dissertations that talked about
training plan and training plan
themes, I checked possible themes
for the region, even those we had
already worked with, I considered
those that have gone right and those
that haven’t all these years. So, I
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
listed all these topics with their
approaches too ... eh ... and related
them to the generative theme of the
first year, the second year and the
third year. (Mercury/Interview).
In Mercury's speech, important
counterpoints are detected, starting with
the dynamism of Training Plan
construction that should take place in
accordance with what the movement of
Family Centers for Alternating Training
(FCAT) points out about the participation
of families in order to strengthen their
leading role. This document constitution
trajectory follows a course in which the
director is the dynamizer and conductor of
the whole process, as revealed in
Mercury's speech.
The plan construction trajectory ends
in the presentation of the product to the
other subjects that make up the school
community, teachers and some
representatives of the families' association.
It is considerable to point out that the
participation of families occurs at specific
times, which leads us to observe that there
is a gap in this effective intervention of
families in the shared management.
The centrality of the previous
preparatory moments of the document
constitution in the person of the director
may incur the risk of distancing from the
other subjects that are relevant parties to
the process, according to the fundamental
principle of the AFs movements, the
meaningful effective participation of
families. The participation of these
subjects is assured, according to Gimonet
(2007), by pointing out the collaboration
that should happen in the document
constitution. In his perspective, this
moment is “… a work of cooperation
between the representatives of various
training partners and the administrators of
the association”. (Gimonet, 2007, p. 72).
The author, as one of the exponents of
FCAT, draws attention to the aspect of
collectivity, above all of the co-trainers as
co-responsible for the training actions.
Mercury's speech denounces a
marked vertical posture of relations that, at
times, are mixed with exercises of few
horizontal actions, as, for example, the one
already mentioned, the participation of all
in selecting or approving the themes that
compose the Plan Training which were the
thematic axes for the SP constitution in
2018. It was verified that the participating
degree is restricted to these moments.
In this sense, configuring the
exercise of democratic management as a
routine practice at Cocais AFs is the
responsibility of all involved. It is
necessary that everyone who is involved
with the alternating training keep in
constant self-assessment of their functions,
as well as the involvement of each and
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
every one of them in a collective way to
contribute to the participatory management
and the dynamic implementation of the
Training Plan in the daily educational
work, in consonance with Gimonet (2007,
p. 69) "... joint orchestration ...".
Regarding the setbacks in the
school's daily routine regarding the non-
observance of the Training Plan as a
training guideline at Cocais AFs, in the
interview Mars points out that during the
pedagogical week the “… themes to be
worked on ... we see the contents that have
to be explained and fit them in ... the
common base ..., as the technical base is
already there, it has to be there ... ”.
This subject’s speech highlights the
concern to follow a guideline established
by the Alternating Training Plan, which
reveals the controlling intention of this
document in the school context.
Understanding the existence of differently
positioned groups at Cocais AFs, regarding
the compliance with the Training Plan and
its guideline for carrying out the
educational work, demonstrates the
struggle against hegemony that is drawn in
this space, as Fairclough (2008) warns. We
observed this struggle intensity in the
school daily life, especially between the
teachers and the school management. In
addition, it can also be inferred, as one of
the possibilities of analysis of Mars’s
speech about the interdisciplinary question,
that most teachers are resistant to the
alternation modality; and this implies
directly in the dynamization of the
pedagogical mediations and in
interdisciplinarity as the training process
Regarding the principle of the
Training Plan interdisciplinarity and, by
extension, the pedagogical mediations,
among them the SP, Mars also points out
that unfortunately the interdisciplinary
materialization that the document demands
is centered on the educational work of a
specific syllabus, Geography. It is worth
emphasizing that the research participants
highlighted Geography as the only syllabus
that seeks to articulate its contents to the
SP themes. They also informed that this
interdisciplinary articulation only happens
when it is possible.
In his speech, Mars states that there
is almost no articulation between the
common base contents and the SP themes
which are systematized in the Training
Plan. According to him, promoting the
syllabus articulation happens only “... very
few times ... so, it is very complicated to
articulate classroom contents with the SP,
because that formal thing comes ..., the SP
is very dynamic ... it happens more... I
have observed it in geography.” In Mars’s
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
words, the conflicting relationship between
the official program and the Training Plan
highlights the obstacle to SP expressive
dynamization. Mars thinks it is difficult to
understand the official program limits and
the Training Plan resource fullness as a
primary document of educational action at
Cocais AFs.
According to Mars, Geography can,
at times, establish an interdisciplinary link
between its own contents and what the SP
problematizes. To Mars, this fact occurs
mainly with the third-year group of
Agriculture because the SP themes in the
Training Plan are focused on productive
issues, the focus of the teaching and
learning process in the last year of the
course. The way the syllabus is oriented
make possible the articulation between the
training actions and the SP. This is an
attitude that leads students to question and
even complain, according to Mars: “... is it
the only syllabus that matches the SP?! ...”
Another important aspect is the
presence of teachers’ organized groups that
differ politically regarding the current
political parties. This provokes intense
students’ harassments, even in class, for
votes endowments. This situation unveils
the absence of the problematizing aspect
related to the school function as a space of
autonomy for discussions about the
political projects presented to be
implemented in the country, state and
Because of this practice, it is possible
that the thematic about the reality
punctuated in the Training Plan about the
guideline for the SP construction becomes
plastered and does not develop the
problematic dimension broadly to all
political, social, cultural and economic
issues that this mediation demands. The
partisan political context in the specific
election period reveals a field of dispute of
opposing groups that seek the hegemony of
their political projects in the school. It
should be noted that this would be a fertile
moment of problematization among the
young students about the ideology and
hegemony of the political projects that are
in constant dispute.
Regarding the aspect of the
discussion focused on political issues,
ideological clashes sometimes take place in
a sinuous way in the institution, at other
times much more externally. Daily,
students report, in informal meeting
spaces, in other words, outside the
classroom environment, the harassments
they suffer in class regarding the
presentation of partisan political projects in
electoral disputes.
Even with these dead ends, mostly
veiled and most times even ignored, it was
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
observed a search for coexistence,
relatively harmonious in the school where
interrelationships show an apparent
partnership between teachers and school
management regarding training educational
action. Gimonet (2007) emphasizes the
subjects’ relevance as protagonists of their
The fact is that the relationships
experienced by the subjects in the school
environment stimulate various themes that
could be problematized by the SP,
including interdisciplinarity as a dimension
that matches the Training Plan as the
guiding document of the alternating
training processes in the FCAT movement.
This justifies emphasizing the reality
revealed in the participant observation.
Among the situations experienced,
the supremacy of the textbook use was
perceived as an aspect that feeds the
teachers’ excuses for not being able to
articulate the common base contents with
the Training Plan themes and the SP
implementation. There are complaints,
especially by the school management,
demanding the teachers to perform
interdisciplinarity, articulating the SP
discussions and the Common Placement,
another pedagogical mediation of
“Pedagogia da Alternância”, and the
textbook contents. However, there was not
a specific moment of training and
awareness with teachers to orient them
about the alternative ways to work
interdisciplinarily, in order to help those
who possibly did not knowhow to do it.
Study Plan: pedagogical mediation of
problematizing nature
The problematizing dimension is part
of the origin of the Maisons Familiale
Rurales - MFR movement, as its
theoretical exponents recognize this
dimension as the most important one for
being responsible for the construction of
the first experiences of alternating training
in the French peasant context in 1935,
according to Gimonet (2007). The
conceptual basis of problematization as the
main focus in this work is necessary since
the research focuses on the question of
how the SP of the “Pedagogia da
Alternância effectively articulates the
problematizing dimension between
times/spaces at Cocais AFs in order to
involve all subjects in the educational
As it is a training promoted by the
problematizing bias to support the
educational actions at Cocais AFs, the SP
is the pedagogical mediation that has the
functions of articulating themes related to
the families’ reality with the training work
developed by the students. By taking the
SP in its problematizing nature
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
intentionality, it emphasizes the function of
this mediation as a potentiate of
educational action, guided by the exercise
of problematizing through the thematic
axes of the Training Plan. It is emphasized
that these thematic axes are selected by the
subjects who streamline the educational
work at Cocais AFs. These axes have a
focus that, in turn, stand as the founding
themes of the issues that constitute the SP,
giving them a problematizing character of
reality and a driver of training
emancipatory processes.
Weaving a web of contributions
about the conceptual aspect of
problematization, this paper develops an
articulation between what some theorists
point out regarding the understanding of
problematization and the meanings
attributed by the research participants,
regarding the same theme. Confirming this
perspective, Jupiter's speech shows a
demonstration of the problematic attitude,
closely related to
... problem ... (laughs) ... an issue that
involves discussion ...
problematization, it has to involve
discussion, speech, context ...
discussing it. So, it's a subject that
involves opinions. The SP has the
problematizing character ... Because
it brings discussions ... it focuses on a
subject that involves opinions ... that
involves and discusseslife, daily life
...... the actions of a particular place
and its individuals.
Jupiter's speech is close to Freire's
(1987) perspective in dealing with
problematization as a dimension that
brings a direct approach to everyday life
for reflection in the context of educational
action. To Jupiter, the fact that the SP
provides discussions on life-related issues,
already puts it as a pedagogical mediation
of problematic intentionality. Among the
contributions of the other participants in
this study, Jupiter can, depending on the
theme of the SP, articulate the result of the
SP socialization, as well as its thematic
axis, with its contents in the classroom.
Freire (1987) outlines that
problematizing education overcomes the
distances between the contents and the
lives of the subjects in training. It is a
dimension that presupposes the practice of
dialogicity that is, according to Freire
(1987), the understanding of the word as
an action performed in otherness. He
highlights that the spoken word must be
confused with the performed action. The
intersection of the research participants’
opinions and speeches exerts one of the
aspects of dialogicity a dialogue
encounter which, to be coherent with the
dialogical dimension, needs to produce
transformations, whether social, cultural or
personal (Freire, 1987).
In Venus's perspective,
problematization is linked to answers and
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
solutions that emerge from productive
circumstances and which are considered
problems to be solved. Venus says that
... is something that exists
somewhere that ... how can I say
(thoughtfully) ... that it has no
development that meets the need of
the community ... for example: there
is a certain area that students make a
kind of planting ... Sometimes we
have good harvests ... sometimes we
don’t, so it's ... eh ... it's
problematization! (Venus/Interview).
Venus’s perspective emphasizes its
action with the SP dynamization, in the
sense that the emphasis in the AFs for the
SP construction is that the theme to be
developed must be linked to the reality of
the family ownership. It is noticed that the
focus on the term problematization is, in
this sense, to potentiate solutions about the
productive processes, focusing on families’
work. In Venus' statements, there is a
tendency to link the SP problematizing
dimension issues to the family productive
The SP at Cocais AFs, in addition to
the issues related to productive work in the
field, is a mediation that can promote a
problematizing education, with its
generating themes around other
dimensions such as families and not only
dealing with land. The approaches that
serve as the basis for the construction of
the questions that make up the SP are
constructed in such a way to allow
problematization about more general
aspects of students' reality, as evidenced in
this study. The five SP observed during the
research led to approaches ranging from
the relevance of the agro-ecological form
of production, questioning the use of life-
threatening chemical incentives, to the
need for access to incentive policies for
young farmers in their YPP.
However, the study showed a rupture
in what is called the SP continuous cycle,
which begins with the construction of the
generating themes that are placed in the
Training Plan. From these generative
themes arise the approaches that will be
deepened, through thematic awareness,
which are the teachers’ responsibility. For
the students, awareness raising is a
moment for a creative theme presentation,
with film or with a dialogical explanation
under the organization of the teacher who
is responsible for mobilizing the SP at
Cocais AFs, according to a calendar
planned in the beginning of the school
Starting with the mobilization, in
other words, awareness of the SP theme,
students are motivated to elaborate
questions, which vary according to the
relevance of the theme to them. The
construction of these issues goes through
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
the scrutiny of the responsible
teacher/teachers, according to the rotation
of the SP's coordination’s.
Earth, also a research participant,
describes in a very didactic way the SP
construction path at Cocais AFs.
The Study Plan elaborated here at
Cocais AFs starts with the
students’ mobilization, it's ... with
all the students of this session (3rd
year) together in the auditorium,
and there they specify a theme ...
yeah ... . This theme is
approached in a dialogical way,
they explain to us how it is to be
done, what the theme is about and
they propose that we ask some
questions that we are taking to our
home, community, city. At home,
we answer these questions and
bring them back to school to show
our point of view, our research, to
expose to the teachers and to our
colleagues. (Earth/interview).
The path of the SP constitution at
Cocais AFs, according to Earth, begins
with the students’ mobilization in the
auditorium. This is an interesting fact
because the prerogative for the SP to exist
is to portray the concrete reality of the
students experienced in their social and
professional environment. Earth’s speech
led us to consider that, to the students, the
SP is only a construction of the questions.
The fact that Earth emphatically
highlights the personal pronoun “they”,
they pass/they explain/they propose,
denotes a veiled control of teachers with
regard to the SP trajectory and
problematizing aspect. This element also
demonstrates that, to the teachers, the SP
problematizing character is due only to the
Common Placement, moment of
socialization of the questions answered by
the students, or the research, as it calls
Earth, and that usually generates debates
about these questions’ presentation.
However, in order to substantiate a
really problematic training action, it is
necessary to break with the "... vertical
schemas ...". (Freire, 1987, p. 68). This is
an embarrassing situation at Cocais AFs,
since it is the school that has a pedagogical
model that allows it to work on the
students’ protagonism and empowerment
based on their lives’ concrete situations,
which, however, makes it possible to
oppose the daily life of the effective
implementation of the program training
Earth’s statements arouse the
reflection on the students as mere
followers of stages that are gradually being
drawn in the school time and in the family
session. This is a factor that can contribute
to the rupture in the SP cycle, the absence
of the community feedback of the SP
This SP cycle is fundamentally
characterized by: choice of generating
themes (Training Plan); student
mobilization; thematic sensitization (it can
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
be a moment of problematization); SP
building (issue building); feedback to
family session (SP research field);
feedback to school; socialization of
responses (commonality); feedback to
community (student/teacher/family
The SP cycle approximates the
discussions of Berbel and Colombo (2007)
by creating a problematization
methodology that the authors categorize as:
Reality Observation; Key points;
Theorization; Hypotheses of Solution and
Application to Reality (practice). At
Cocais AFs, the study showed that there
are the availability and the implementation
of the SP stages, the students and teachers
even fulfill all the mentioned steps,
however, failing to perform the
intervention stage in the community in
order to transform the problematized
reality, what they call SP feedback activity.
Of course, there are some specific
initiatives that, regarding the school
management perspective, represent a
broader SP discussion, which only take
place in the school environment.
Regarding the last stage of the
problematization methodology, the
intervention action decisions, according to
Villardi, Cyrino and Berbel (2015, p. 48),
... must be executed or forwarded. At
this moment, the social and political
components are present. The practice
that corresponds to this stage implies
a commitment of the students with
their environment. From the middle,
they observed the problems and to
the middle they will take a response
from their studies, aiming to
transform it to some degree.
According to the authors, the
problematization methodology must follow
the steps in order to be fully integrated,
without leaving gaps for concrete
processes of significant changes to occur.
Regarding the SP at Cocais AFs and its
articulation with the bias of
problematization in the educational action,
the study showed that the SP in its
problematizing bias happens, however
leaving a gap in its trajectory, which
impairs the progress of the commitment to
the effective interventions. Participant
Neptune sets as one of the goals of AFs in
its educational processes empower the
youth to be "... opinion maker ..."
(Neptune/Interview). In addition to
articulating opinions, the school defends
the educational action that provides the
young people’s protagonism as critical
historical subjects.
Regarding the intervention in the
community and the possible solutions
raised through the socialization and
problematization of the SP theme, Mars
states that of the five SP held in the session
with the third year, only two presented
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
community intervention. Regarding
pesticide use, Mars reports:
... a visit to the family ... together,
they took the boys from the same
locality, "let's have a morning
activity..." at Chapada da Sindá, they
took them to the field and everything,
and exposed the question about the
use of pesticides: what is the school
role in it? So today, not everyone ...
It wasn't 100% of the community, but
at least the students’ parents who
study here, they had ... had and have
a different view, nowadays in the
question of this pesticide use, which
was the subject of the SP, the SP
theme. (Mars/Interview).
Mars's speech glimpses the breadth
of the problematizing dimension in training
action in AFs fostered and produced not
only by the SP, but also by the other
mediations. The intervention that took
place regarding the care with the use of
pesticides was possible by the pedagogical
mediation Family Visit, a pedagogical
mediation that places the subjects that
stimulate the pedagogical action in school
time, in contact with the students' families.
To Mars, this moment meant a professional
accomplishment in the sense of realizing
how important the contact with the
students’ reality in the social professional
environment because it is where the
families live that struggles and daily
achievements happen.
Although the experience with the
pesticide issue has touched Mars, he
recognizes that it was not a significant
intervention, as it should have been with
the SP. However, he recognizes that this
SP dimension is very difficult to
accomplish, for the number of
municipalities served by the Cocais AFs is
large, thirteen.
Regarding the conceptual element of
the problematization, the interaction in the
subjects' speech leads us to believe that
there is a common direction on the term
understanding, unanimously posed as a
question that leads to discussion and needs
to be resolved, as presented in Table 1.
Table 1 - Participants talk about the concept of problematization.
A problem, a situation in which we seek for an answer ... Try to research and see if
what you are discussing, your concern, has some purpose, some result ...
It's an open problem that we try to work on somehow.
It is a subject that involves opinions.
A problematization that has to be solved ... to see the place deficiency and correct the
soil, so all planted crops will have a good harvest ...
I do not know ....
It's a problem ... something that has to be solved.
We find an issue that must be discussed, and we think of a solution, a way to solve it.
It's related to the problem, ... that's what happens and I need to be able to overcome.
There are a number of people, right, if a problem arises there ... something has to
appear to solve that problem.
Source: Researcher's personal archive (2018).
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
The subjects' speech interacts with
relative harmony, demonstrating some
markedly individualized positions in the
solution of problematized questions.
Researchers' expressions reveal the belief
that if there is a problem, there is also a
solution. The question regarding the aspect
of collectivity posed by some of the
participants is consistent with the
perspective of training action at Cocais
AFs, and all activities are carried out
fostering collective participation.
In direct contact with Cocais AFs, as
a research field in which the object of this
study materialized through ethnographic
interviews, the participants’ voices
expressed the SP construction trajectory,
according to each participant’s
understanding. Their statements are
articulated to this mediation in the daily
life of AFs that, in one way or another,
with greater intensity or not, are in contact
with the SP purpose. The fact is that the
study pointed out that this approximation
exists, as well as the meaning production
that each one constructs; however,
requiring some elements from the gaps left
in the path of the SP accomplishments in
its problematizing intentionality, in order
to perform changes in the socio-
professional context in which the young
people live.
Mercury, as a motivator of the SP
construction until its socialization through
the Common Placement, presents a sense
of this pedagogical mediation that,
according to him, is different from all other
teachers, the SP “… is very important… it
is one of the themes that I find most
important and delicate, the most interesting
to work with is the SP, right ...
(Mercury/Interview). Mercury's emphasis
on PS may be related to his personal and
professional identification with this
pedagogical mediation in previous years in
other AFs. Another possibility that refers
to the predilection of Mercury for SPis its
link with the “Pedagogia da Alternância
in his first moments of initial training in
Piauí promoted by the National Union of
Agricultural Family Schools in Brazil in
conjunction with the Regional Association
of Agricultural Family Schools of Piauí
before his arrival at Cocais AFs. Mercury’s
talk reveals an understanding of AFs
training, centered on the dynamization of
pedagogical mediations. In his
understanding, enhancing the pedagogical
mediations in their concrete realization, in
particular intensifying the SP as the main
mediation is to implement what governs
the principles of the Pedagogia da
Alternância”, insertion of reality in the
educational action of young people to
motivate social change.
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
Mercury’s involvement is so
significant that it is always attentive to
students' Common Placement, stimulating
and problematizing about the SP
punctuated elements. Figure 1 shows the
SP closure, at the end of the 2018 school
year, with the third-year Agriculture
Illustration 1 - Closure of SP activities with Agriculture third year students.
Source: Researcher’s personal files (2018).
Early in the morning, right after
breakfast, all students head to the school
auditorium for a final meeting to SP
closure activities at Cocais AFs. Everyone
is invited to produce a panel representing
Cocais AFs. The group became involved
with the dynamics under the command of
the teachers. As the activity continued
throughout the morning, other teachers and
members of the Parents' Association
arrived. This moment meant a lot to the
research because different postures and
scenarios were presented in the
environment: students who interacted with
each other, the involvement of a single
subject with the driving dynamics and the
passive posture of most teachers who
always let the principal conduct the
morning work.
The proposal was as follows: In a
word tell what AFs has meant to your life
these years. The answers were simple, but
relevant. Some answers were well reserved
and others provoked good laughs in the
audience. It is important to register that
this study will not present all the answers
because this could incur a focus deviation
from the researched object. Thus, in
summary, the students' statements
regarding the question raised by the
manager were: the AFs in my life
represented knowledge/family/friendship/
overcoming/learning/companionship /
commitment. These words express thanks
to the students for the existence of the
school in the region, as well as to the
specificity of AFs educational action.
During this topic construction, we
tried to sew a quilt in the figurative sense,
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
from concepts of problematization to the
ways in which speeches meet and
mismatch in the context of Cocais AFs. All
the participants’ statements about the SP
are relevant, the meanings attributed to this
pedagogical mediation express positions
that are sometimes convergent, sometimes
divergent, demonstrating the diversity in
the unity that Gimonet (2007) defends
when we discuss the “Pedagogia da
Alternânciaand its expansion around the
Final considerations
In this study, it is clear, both through
the interview and the participant
observation, that the subjects involved with
the educational action at Cocais AFs, in
general, are involved with the SP dynamics
in their daily effectiveness, even though, as
we pointed out throughout the study, this
involvement is not compromised with the
guidelines that the theoretical assumptions
point to and the movement of which
Cocais AFs is part, the FCAT.
With this finding, the study
highlighted the SP as an articulating
dimension of the reality of families,
through thematic axes that match the daily
situation of these families, in their social,
political, cultural and economic reality.
The SP dynamics obeys a thematic thread
that begins with the origin of the family
and the community, moving towards the
bias directed to the productive area,
focusing on rural development and
The guiding thread that directs the
questions that constitute the SP and that
raise students to the act of research is
imbued with problematizing intentionality.
By coming into direct contact with the
reality they experience through the
questions that are built by the youth
themselves, in accordance with the SP
thematic axis, these students begin a
process of exercising the critical sense and
problematizing the daily life look
regarding the reflection on certain
circumstances experienced in their families
and communities. However, it can be seen
in the daily texture of the AFs, the
naturalization of the hegemonic
strengthening of the training model
organized in the Training Plan. The
discourse of training action accomplished
by the subjects who carry out the
educational work in the AFs is focused on
the ideological dissemination that the
alternation model is the best alternative for
the training of young people who are still
in the field. It is a consensual speech of the
school, to make the “Pedagogia da
Alternância a right way to make the
insertion of the problems of the reality of
the families in the school environment in
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
order to provide a protagonized
educational action.
The SP, in its propositional training
condition, can be a relevant element of
students' reflective approach with their
daily experiences, challenges, struggles,
peasant cultural knowledge and public
policies directed to the field. These are
representing elements which facilitates the
problematizing look of students through
the questions that are posed for research in
the family session, however, missing gaps
in feedback to the community through the
return activity.
Another important aspect is the
involvement of the other dimensions, as
the study showed. The problematizing
character is not restricted to the SP, but it
is a condition for the other pedagogical
mediations of alternation, considering that
it is in all of them, with the specificity of
each one that there is motivation during the
educational processes, that the training
takes place.
This is one of the points that we
unveiled to be challenging at Cocais AFs,
because the focus on the SP, in other
words, the attention placed on this
mediation, represent, in most cases, in the
school daily life, a lively exhaustion of
other mediations. At school, SP is a
mediation that has hierarchical status
among students, teachers and management.
This fact led us to note that there is an
attachment to the SP that can be configured
as a school's quest to justify alternating
training by the SP questions, which ends
up configuring the insertion of the
families’ reality in the school environment.
The SP, through the questions that
are built by the students referenced by the
thematic axes present in the Training Plan,
the master document for the organization
of educational work at Cocais AFs, has the
potential to carry out training processes
guided by the young people’s reality in
their social and professional environment.
Through the participant observation, it was
possible to verify that the students are the
protagonists of the SP process
construction, following the school
organizational dynamics, which has
teachers to accompany this process and to
facilitate the students’ understanding of the
thematic axes in order to prepare the SP.
As a challenge, the research
evidenced the overcoming of the gap in the
realization of the SP as a pedagogical
mediation that is ready to articulate
time/spaces and distinct knowledge
intertwined with each other. The SP cycle,
started with the selection of the thematic
axes that will constitute the questions to be
constructed and taken to the family session
by the students, is carried out, even with
some weaknesses inherent to the education
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
process that involves the subjects and their
inherent complexities.
The gap lies precisely in the
materialization of the reflection caused by
the SP about the reality of families and
communities. However, its problematic
trajectory stumbles, in the absence of
return to the community with the possible
solutions or referrals that should be
accomplished by the students helped by the
teachers, as a way of embodying the results
of the SP debated and problematized in the
Common Placement, mediation directly
responsible for the socialization of the
systematized responses by the students in
the family session.
This lack of return to the community,
besides exhausting the possibilities of
possible changes in the challenging
situations of daily life of families and the
community, in the productive, social and
political fields, also ends up limiting the
problematic dimension of the Study Plan,
giving it a the sterile aspect, and entrusting
it with bureaucratic character to be fulfilled
by the students in order to acquire
qualitative grade at the end of each session.
The lack of the return activity incurs
the breaking of the SP procedural cycle as
an interdisciplinary pedagogical mediation.
It appears that this mediation has a
problematic nature of the students' reality.
The SP can insert in the training processes,
even if it does not establish
interdisciplinary relations with most
subjects, discussions about the students’
reality in their social and professional
In addition, the lack of return activity
envisaged by the SP, and the possible
interventions made by students and
teachers in their socio-professional
environment, leads to the difficulty of
enhancing the students role with the
transformation of their realities. This may
be an aspect that is possibly based on the
absence of effective and meaningful
participation of students in the Training
Plan construction, a document that governs
the training processes in the school and
guides the reality themes to be worked on
in the SP.
It is also noted that in the daily life of
Cocais AFs, in the pedagogical practice, in
the accomplishments of pedagogical
mediations, even facing some challenges,
such as the teachers and students’
significant involvement, the alternation
continues in its dynamics. The SP, as part
of a set of pedagogical mediations,
demonstrated in this research its
problematic dimension that facilitates the
articulation between the reality
experienced in/by families and the training
action in the school environment.
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the formative
action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)...
Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
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mediations, demands other study
perspectivesin order to signify this model
of training. The “Pedagogia da
Alternância is still configured with
relative ignorance in the field of
educational scientific studies. The
pedagogical mediations of alternation
become a means for the knowledge
constituted outside the school space to gain
relevance in the training action
accomplished in the school environment.
This is practically what differentiates the
mode of alternation from the regular mode
of state-level education.
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Tocantinópolis/ Brazil
v. 4
ISSN: 2525-4863
Article Information
Received on July 31th, 2019
Accepted on September 30th, 2019
Published on December, 19th, 2019
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Maria Raquel Barros Lima
Carmen Lúcia de Oliveira Cabral
How to cite this article
Lima, M. R. B., & Cabral, C. L. O. (2019). Alternance
Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on
the formative action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family
School (EFA Cocais/PI). Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 4,
e7322. DOI:
LIMA, M. R. B.; CABRAL, C. L. O. Alternance Pedagogy
study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the
formative action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family
School (EFA Cocais/PI). Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.,
Tocantinópolis, v. 4, e7322, 2019. DOI: